The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Absolutely, even if he is poor in some way, he is not absolutely rich, but he is part of the world, so it is a sign indicating his preponderance, then he is absolutely rich, and whoever has this richness then created the world, he did not create it because of his lack of it, but rather he created the world for the world, preferring it to exist alone, and this is the essence of fatwa


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Among the divine fatwa are the Qur’anic and Prophetic reports. As for the Qur’an, it says, “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except that they should worship me.” The image of the fatwa here is that He created them to bless them with existence, to bring them out of the evil of nothingness, to enable them to be created by the divine names, and to make of them successors. Gratitude diminishes the blessing on the part of the one who is bestowed upon him, so he concealed that out of preference for them by saying, “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except that I should worship them,” so he showed that he created them for His sake, not for their sake .

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And in the Prophetic narration of Moses, that God Almighty created things for our sake and we were created for His sake.

This is covered by his saying, “And there is not a thing that does not glorify Him with His praise,” so that everyone would understand by informing Him that they glorify His praise, so that we do not smell in it the scent of gratitude. In the narration of Moses, The ruling of the Fatwa is that He created things for our sake out of preference for us despite His being alone in existence as He created us, and His saying, “And there is not a thing that does not glorify His praise” with a covering so that the scent of blessing is not smelled within it, like His saying regarding us, “Only that they worship alike.”

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As for the second of the two prophetic reports, what is it?

It was narrated on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, on the authority of God Almighty that he said, “I was a treasure that I did not know, so I wanted to be known, so I created the creation and got to know them, so they recognized me. ”

In his saying, “I was a treasure,” proof of the established entities that the Mu’tazilites adhered to, which is his saying, “Our saying is only for something.”

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This news from the fatwa, how he expressed himself that he wanted to be known, and from this characteristic of him, he covered what was due to him of absolute wealth, because love only attaches to the non-existent, and that non-existent may be in the non-existent or in the existing, and if it is in the non-existent, then it must also exist. So that what I love to find appears in it, and if it is present, then what I love appears in it, then what he mentioned must be a cover for the absolute rich and the preference for this beloved, since the one who has the rich attaches to him and inherits pride in himself, as it was intended for the one who has the quality of the rich .

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The reason for existence was that existence and knowledge immediately asked God to perfect their rank in the rational division, so He created them as a gift for the emergence of existential and scientific perfection. This is essentially a blessing from Him, so he turned away from this and attributed the existence of the world to His love for knowledge so that the perfection of existence and knowledge would not smell from Him also the scent of blessing, as mentioned in The Qur’an is equal, and if the truth has been revealed with its servants regarding good morals, which is the fatwa to this extent, then the servant is more worthy of this characteristic to be imbued with it.

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The victory over the truth is the manifestation of blessings and blessings and the concealment of favor and gratitude, as he said: Do not nullify your alms with favor and harm, a divine creation, for God Almighty has bestowed upon us existence and knowledge of Him, and He has not bestowed upon us that. As for His saying, “Rather, God bestows upon you,” it means that if the manna would have belonged to God, they would not have bequeathed to Him, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. May God bless him and grant him peace, with Islam. God Almighty said, “They are gracious to you if you have embraced Islam.” God said to Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, “Say, ‘Do not incline your conversion to Islam upon me.’” Then he preferred Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, over himself, Glory be to Him, so that he would not give him an epithet for what he had done to him with a language of slander, so he said to him, “Tell them b.” May God grant It is upon you tha

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Its ruling is present in the truth, and its generalization is not mentioned in either the Book or the Sunnah, just as it is definitely known that there is no difference between our saying, “I knew a thing” and “I knew it, and I know the thing,” or “knower,” and despite this, it was mentioned that the name of the All-Knowing, the All-Knowing, and the All-Knowing is given to Him, the Most High, and it was not reported that we used the name All-Knowing. According to him, what is required of the matter that belongs to God is the ruling that it should be given a name from him, so his names, in terms of giving them to him , depend on their coming from him, so he is not called except by what he called himself, and if the meaning of that name is known in it, then the generalization is better.


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And God, Glory be to Him, did not do all of this except to teach creation to be polite to Him, since He knew that among God’s people there are those who have extravagances so that they should behave themselves, so do not be extravagant, for extravagance is a defect in man because he attaches himself in it to the divine rank and deviates from his true nature, so extravagance attaches him to ignorance of God and himself, and he has fallen from among the great ones, and I will not name them. Because it is an attribute of deficiency, and as for the rabble of people, we have no words with them, for they are a rabble in view of these masters, and if something like this happens to the masters, then our blame falls upon them. The lowest may also be overshadowed by the highest, like the overstepping of the ranks of the prophets, and they are greater in the eyes of God in culpability than their overstepping of God, for the rank of God is greater. They lie in the situation and in the eyes of

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