The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

What is the tranquility of the saints ?

The answer is if the saint follows the causes and cuts them off one cause after the other, and governs the kingdom of Jabarqina and Jabarsina, and combines for himself the two Easts and the Easts, and the Wests and the Wests, and sees the East and the West, and fulfills the stations due to them, and gives the prophets their due, and the prophets of the laws their due, and does justice to the Most High Council, and refers the Divine Names to the Divine Names. He did not address a created being upon whom there was a right, for he is neither an heir, nor a messenger, nor an imam, nor a holder of a position in which his justice or injustice is feared for him, and in which his virtue or injustice is hoped for. He did not know his rights, and his rights were not known, and the messengers wished in a certain country to be like him, and all of this combined, for that is the tranquility of the saints to which they reside, for they are the protect

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Know that among the names of God are known names, such as the known names, which are apparent, and among them are implicit pronouns, such as the kaf of the speech, the tayyah, the ta’a of the speaker, the yayah, the third person pronoun, the second person pronoun from that, the plural pronoun, such as “we have descended,” and the noon of the pronoun in the plural, such as “inna, we,” and the word “I, you, and he,” and among them are nouns indicated by verbs, and they do not. Among them are nouns such as “God mocked them” and “God mocked them” and among them are nouns that represent God, but they are God’s representatives, such as our saying: “Sarabil” protects you, “the free one” and every action attributed to a universe that is not possible, but that name is a substitute for God, because all actions belong to God, regardless of whether the action is attached to that censure. Or praise, there is no ruling on that being related to influencing what the correct knowledge gives him. F

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The Most Merciful and saved from His grief, and whoever deviates from that and falls into any of these sins with a single word, or has a change of heart, or doubts about any part of his religion, will remain a thousand years in heat, worry, and torment until God decides for him as He wills.

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It is read with a kasra for the haa, which is the noun, and with a fatha, which is the noun. Whoever opens it must go to the House to do what God has commanded him to do when he reaches it in the rituals that God has appointed for him to do. And whoever reads with a kasra and wants the noun, its meaning is that He takes into account the intent of the verse, so he intends what the verse intends, and there is a long distance between them. By opening the ha, he intends the verse, and by breaking it, he intends to intend the verse. In the kasra, he takes the place of the house, and in the opening, he takes the place of the servant of the house, so the servant’s condition during his Hajj is according to the witnesses that the Truth establishes in it, and God is the Guide and Guide, and there is no Lord other than Him.

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And in this Surah, in His saying, “On the day We will gather the righteous before the Most Gracious,” Abu Yazid rejoiced, and blood flowed from his eyes until he hit the pulpit and said, “Wow, how will someone who is his companion be gathered to him? ”

For God says, “I am the companion of whoever remembers me. ”


And the pious one remembers God, remembers with caution, so when he was gathered to the Most Gracious, which is the place of safety, because of the caution he had in him, he rejoiced in that and rejoiced, and Abu Yazid’s tears were tears of joy. How was he gathered from him to him when others were gathered to the veil ?

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