The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Then you will know that the world is the first abode that is closest to us, in which we grew up, and we have not seen anything other than it. It is what is witnessed, it is the protector of us, and it is merciful to us. In it we performed deeds that bring us closer to God, and in it the laws of God appeared, and it is the abode that brings together all the divine names, so the rewards of Paradise and the pains of the Fire appeared in it, so in it is wellness and sickness, and in it is the universal abode of all divine names. Happiness and sadness, and there is secret and openness in it, and there is no matter in the Hereafter except that there is an example of it in it, which is the obedient wish to God, which God has entrusted to His servants for them to give to them, and this is what made her monitor the conditions of her children. What they will do with those trusts that she gave to them. Will they treat her in a way that every trust deserves for what it was placed for? For amo

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It has His power and many rational impossibilities that the correct rational evidence has proven to refer to exist in this earth and it is the theater for the eyes of those who know and know God, and in it they roam. And from among its worlds, God created a world in our images. If the knower sees them, he sees himself in it, and Abdullah pointed out something like that. Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with him, in what was narrated from him in the hadith about this Kaaba, and that it is one house out of fourteen houses, and that in each of the seven earths there are creatures like us, to the point that among them is Ibn Abbas like me, and this narration is true among the people of revelation .

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He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “Make me light.

In his supplication, God Almighty said, “The light of the heavens and the earth, and the rosaries are lights, and light does not burn with light, but it is inserted into it, that is, it combines with it for homogeneity, and this is the joining and union, and here is a great secret, and it is what increases the light.” The Manifested from the Light of the Manifested is his if he is added to it and included in it, and when he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, stood in the position of fear that we mentioned, it led him to ask to be a light, as if he was saying, “Make me you so that I may see you through you, so that my eyes will not be distracted by seeing you, but I will be included in you,” as Al-Nabigha said.

p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> You are the sun and the kings are stars *** when you rise, no star will appear from them

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Their offspring, and We have not given them anything of their deeds. This applies to those who believe and whose offspring follow them in faith. These offspring are in the status of voluntary good deeds, and mothers are like obligatory prayers .

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As for the natural fathers and mothers, we did not mention them, so let us mention the general matter of that, and they are two fathers and Aman, so the two fathers are the active ones, and Aman is the passive ones, and what happens about them is the passive ones, so the heat and cold are active ones, and the dampness and dryness are passive, so she got married

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