The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Nothing is patient under the divine test except pure metallic gold that has attained the rank of perfection, and nothing of the metallic soil remains in it. Every task is a temptation, and all creatures are a temptation, and learning about the results of deeds is a temptation, and it is a state of status that is accompanied to Paradise. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was a temptation. The possessor of the most complete revelation and knowledgeable of what follows, seeks refuge from the temptation of the grave, the torment of the Fire, and the temptation of life and death .

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As for desire, it is the desire for pleasure, it is a pleasure, and taking pleasure in a pleasure is with the one who desires it. It does not necessitate that this be a pleasure for someone else, nor that it be in accordance with his mood or the suitability of his nature. This is because desire is two desires, an occasional desire, and it is what is forbidden from being followed, so it is false, and if it is beneficial one day, it should not be. It is permissible for the rational person to follow it so that it does not return to him as a habit, causing symptoms and personal desires to affect him, so he must follow it, because it improves his temperament because it suits his nature, and it improves his temperament and improves his religion and makes him happy, but he follows it according to the divine balance established by the law, which is the ruling of the established Sharia, and it includes concessions or restrictions if it is followed. He does not care about the law, for it is

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The deepest desires of souls can only be reached by those around the people of God, so do not rejoice in taking pleasure in acts of obedience and having the hardship removed from you without the balance of the people in that. If this desire is coupled with the company of the people of innovations who are young people and the company of youthful young men and women in God Almighty in what he imagines to be in God Almighty, then in the fold. This attachment is a hidden divine deception, and if that pleasure from Him is related to other than these types, then there is no criterion by which God’s deception can be known, such that it distinguishes between companionship for God and companionship due to the desire of one’s nature, unless he accompanies the scholars of God who are pious, or his sheikh, if he is one of the people of good taste, that is another matter, and the one who should weigh it. He is the same in his claim that he only keeps company with young men and women for the sa

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And if a person is fair to his Lord than to himself and to himself than to himself, he knows his condition, in fact, he is more knowledgeable about his condition than others, except for those who know God, for they are more knowledgeable about Him than others

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