The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Then after this, He shows him the signs that he saw in the world in himself. If he saw them first in himself and then saw them in the world, he might have imagined that himself saw in the world, so God removed this problem for him by presenting him with seeing the signs in the world as what occurred in existence, for it is older than man. How could he not be older when he was his father? Then the vision of those signs on the horizons and within himself made it clear to him that he was the truth and nothing else, and that became clear to him .

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So the verses are indications to him that he is the truth manifested in the appearances of the notables of the world, so he does not ask for another matter with the owner of this seclusion, for there is not a single sentence, and that is why God Almighty completed the definition, saying, “Is it not sufficient for your Lord that He is a witness over every thing of the notables of the world?” Manifestation in Him and appearance, and it is not in the power of the world to ward off from itself this what is apparent in Him, nor for Him not to be manifest, which is what is expressed by possibility. If the reality of the world were not possibility, He would not have accepted the light, which is the manifestation of the truth in Him which was made clear to Him by the signs .

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Then he continued and said that everything in the world is surrounded, and surrounding a thing conceals that thing, so the apparent thing is the surrounding, not that thing, because surrounding it prevents it from appearing, so that thing, which is the world in the surrounding, became like the soul to the body, and the surrounding is like the body. The one spirit has testimony, which is the apparent ocean, and the other is unseen, which is hidden by this encompassing, and it is the eye of the world. And since the judgment is for what is described by the unseen in the apparent, which is the testimony, and the objects of the world were prepared in themselves, they judged the apparent things in them according to what they give them their realities, so their forms appeared in the ocean, which is the truth, so it was said: a throne, a chair, and the spheres. Possessions, elements, generators, conditions that arise, and then there is nothing but God. Truth, from its being an enclosure,

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I have given you the level of solitude that we want in this book, not the solitude that is usual for those who practice solitude, and its degrees are one thousand and sixty-seven degrees, so the appearance of stringed solitude appears in the degrees. If the solitude is not inhabited by anyone except the scholar, then he is in solitude with himself. This is his origin. Then, when he was saturated with light, he was in solitude with his Lord and remained. In that solitude forever, he is not restricted by time, not by forty days or anything else. If the knower knows what we have mentioned, he knows that he is in solitude with his Lord, not with himself, and with his Lord, not with himself. So he sees in terms of its effect on his surroundings in the forms in which the surroundings themselves appear, and in terms of the multiplicity of his entities, he sees And every eye was different from its owner.

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Therefore the forms of the world differ, even if it is one, just as the form of man in himself differs, and if man is one, what is his leg and head, what is his chest and eye, what is his ear, tongue, genitals, and mind, what is his thought and imagination, so he is diverse and multi-faceted with tangible and moral forms. It is said about this that He is one and true, and it is said about Him that He is many and true. In terms of His singularity, we say that He saw Himself with Himself, and in terms of His multiplicity, we say that He saw some of Himself with Himself, so He spoke with His tongue, and struck with His hand, and ran with His foot, and sniffed with His nose, and heard with His ear, and looked with His eyes, and imagined with His imagination, and reasoned with His mind. This is many, and then there is only Him, so whoever has this happen to him. Knowledge, as we have established it, is a person of solitude, and whoever deprives it of it is not a person of solitude. It

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Seclusion is one of the stations that are accompanied in this world and the hereafter forever. Whoever has it does not disappear, for there is no trace after an eye. As for the well-known and usual solitude, it is not a station and is not valid except for one who is veiled. As for the people of revelation, it is not valid for them to be alone forever, for they see the upper spirits and the fiery spirits, and they see the beings speaking the universes of their essence. And the universes of the abode of His solitude are in fullness, just as He is in the matter itself. If God takes away from His sight these perceptions and separates animals from inanimate objects and angels, and the world of silence from the world of speech, and the world of stillness from the world of movements, and He loves to be alone with His Lord so that the speech of a universe and the movement of a universe do not distract him from Him, then among them are those who seek solitude. More knowledge about God come

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So whoever talks about being alone with himself with one of the universes, then he is not in isolation. Some of them said to the person who is alone, “Remember me with your Lord in your isolation,” and he said to him, “If I remember you, then I am not with him in privacy, and from here you will know.”

God Almighty’s saying, “I am sitting with Him. ” Remember Me

He does not remember it until he brings what is mentioned to him in himself. If what is mentioned has a form in his belief, he brings it in his imagination, and if it is not from the world of forms or has no form, the memory power brings him, because the memory power of man determines the meanings and the imaginative power determines The ideals given by the senses or what constitutes them

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