The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The people were his nation from Adam until the Day of Resurrection, so God gave him good news of forgiveness for the sins of the people that preceded and the sins that came after them, so he was the one addressing and intended for the people, so God forgives all and makes them happy, and he is worthy of the generality of his mercy that encompasses everything and the generality of the rank of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, when he was sent to All people in the text, and he did not say: We sent you to this nation in particular, nor to the people of this time until the Day of Resurrection in particular. Rather, he told him that he was sent to all people, and the people from Adam until the Day of Resurrection are what is meant by the speech of God’s forgiveness for past and future sins, and God is the Possessor of great bounty. < / p>

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But then there is forgiveness in this world, then there is forgiveness in the grave, then there is forgiveness in the resurrection, and then there is forgiveness in Hell, with or without exiting it, but he protects himself from the torment that he reaches by what gives him bliss in the Fire from which he seeks refuge, for it is torment without pain .

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His questions, may God be pleased with him, have ended, and what we have mentioned of the answers to them has ended without being exhaustive, and what we left out of that in the answer is more than what we have mentioned in a way that does not come close. For brevity is better than abundance, since the door to pronouncing and clarifying the truths of matters is not exhausted, for God’s knowledge is broader, so His teaching is for us. He does not stop at any limit, and God is the Grantor of success. There is no Lord other than Him. End of Part Ninety-One

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Confession is the repentance of every investigator *** and with it the True God expands his breast.

God is pleased with the one who disobeys just as *** God is pleased with the one whose command is in accordance with His command.

What a great thing it is to attain what is attained *** Especially if you know his secret.

Whoever is appointed to his destiny, the one who opposes it will get what he got, if you are ignorant of his fate.

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Know, may God help us and you, that God says, “And repent to God, all of you, O believers, that you may succeed.” So He commanded His servants to repent, and then He taught them the proof if they disobeyed His command. Then He said, “Then He turned to them in repentance, so that they might say if they asked that.” That is, “If You had turned to us, we would have repented,” like God Almighty said, “He did not deceive.” Thank you, by your Lord, the Generous, to say Your generosity is in order to teach your opponent the argument so that his opponent can argue with him about that, if he is beloved, and he uses the word “human” with the alif, lam, and gharrar to include all people. This is what indicates to you that the desire to entitle them to happiness in money, even if it befalls them is what will befall them, which contradicts it.

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However, the repentance of God is linked to Ali, because one of His names is the Most High Name, and the repentance of creation is linked to Ali, because what is required by repentance is its goal, and truth and creation came together in one who repented, so they returned to Him from themselves, and the knowers returned to Him from Him, and the knowledgeable about God returned to Him from their return to Him, and as for the common people, they returned to Him from themselves. From violations to agreement, and the Almighty Truth has returned to them, from a metaphor that He should let you down so that they may return to Him according to what their positions require, which we have explained above. So the return of the Truth to them so that they may return to Him is like His saying: He loves them and they love Him, so His return to them is a return to them of eternal loving care so that they repent. So if they repent, He loves them. The love of the one who returns to Him is a love of

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It alone is abandoning the misstep immediately, regretting what has passed, and resolving not to go back to what he retracted, and God will do after that what He wants. As for abandoning the misstep immediately, it is necessary because the power of its time is modesty and modesty, with its authority, it prevents the one who did it from transgressing the limits of God and the one who The names of God Almighty mentioned in the Sunnah are the Living One, and that God will be ashamed on the Day of Resurrection of one who has gray hair, so God’s shyness towards the servant is that He has informed him that they, Glory be to Him, will not repent to Him until He repents to them. So if the abandoned one, whom God did not repent to, stands and does not repent to him, and he is in the state of standing before Him on the Day of Resurrection, remembering. In Himself this verse, then He turned to them so that they would repent

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