The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

[ The pronunciation of facts is endless ]

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 139 من الجزء Two

His questions, may God be pleased with him, have ended, and what we have mentioned of the answers to them has ended without being exhaustive, and what we left out of that in the answer is more than what we have mentioned in a way that does not come close. For brevity is better than abundance, since the door to pronouncing and clarifying the truths of matters is not exhausted, for God’s knowledge is broader, so His teaching is for us. He does not stop at any limit, and God is the Grantor of success. There is no Lord other than Him. End of Part Ninety-One


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