The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

[ The repentance of God is associated with “to” and the repentance of creation is associated with “to ”]

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 139 من الجزء Two

However, the repentance of God is linked to Ali, because one of His names is the Most High Name, and the repentance of creation is linked to Ali, because what is required by repentance is its goal, and truth and creation came together in one who repented, so they returned to Him from themselves, and the knowers returned to Him from Him, and the knowledgeable about God returned to Him from their return to Him, and as for the common people, they returned to Him from themselves. From violations to agreement, and the Almighty Truth has returned to them, from a metaphor that He should let you down so that they may return to Him according to what their positions require, which we have explained above. So the return of the Truth to them so that they may return to Him is like His saying: He loves them and they love Him, so His return to them is a return to them of eternal loving care so that they repent. So if they repent, He loves them. The love of the one who returns to Him is a love of


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