Confession is the repentance of every investigator *** and with it the True God expands his breast.

God is pleased with the one who disobeys just as *** God is pleased with the one whose command is in accordance with His command.

What a great thing it is to attain what is attained *** Especially if you know his secret.

Whoever is appointed to his destiny, the one who opposes it will get what he got, if you are ignorant of his fate.

" lang="en-GB" /> Confession is the repentance of every investigator *** and with it the True God expands his breast.

God is pleased with the one who disobeys just as *** God is pleased with the one whose command is in accordance with His command.

What a great thing it is to attain what is attained *** Especially if you know his secret.

Whoever is appointed to his destiny, the one who opposes it will get what he got, if you are ignorant of his fate.

"> Poetry )

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 139 من الجزء Two

Confession is the repentance of every investigator *** and with it the True God expands his breast.

God is pleased with the one who disobeys just as *** God is pleased with the one whose command is in accordance with His command.

What a great thing it is to attain what is attained *** Especially if you know his secret.

Whoever is appointed to his destiny, the one who opposes it will get what he got, if you are ignorant of his fate.


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