The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

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Is all of this in terms of its manifestations, or is it an intrinsic obligation for its manifestations insofar as they are manifestations, not in terms of objects? If it is for the manifestations, then it is not obligatory upon itself except for itself, then it does not fall under the definition of obligation. What is an obligation in this capacity, for the thing does not disparage itself, even if It was for observable entities to be manifestations, and it was obligatory for something other than Him, since the objects are other than Him and the manifestations are His identity. So say after this explanation whatever you want in the answer, and the answer will be according to what the obligor has restricted. So they made it obligatory for their Lord in a place because they fear and pay zakat according to the meaning of zakat in language and law. And those who believe in Our signs are those who follow the Messenger. The unlettered prophet whom they find written among them is a spec

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As for those who believe that they made it obligatory for their Lord to do so other than what God Almighty mentioned about Himself, then they said that they gave up their boats during the time of increase in order to continue and to prefer the junub that is true in their claim, and if there is a deficiency in that, then it is the same as complete perfection with this consideration. This, in my view, is like what the poet said to Omar ibn Al-Khattab when he was imprisoned

What do you say to chicks with cheerful *** red crops, no water or trees

You threw their earners into the depths of darkness *** So forgive your guide, the King of the people, O Omar

They did not favor you with it, since They presented you to it *** No, but for themselves, the effect would have been

If they had given up their boats out of a divine request,

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However, there is a subtle nuance here that many of those who know these gatherings do not feel, and that is because just as we ask for Him for the existence of our beings, He requires us for the manifestation of His manifestations, there is no manifestation of Him except us, and there is no manifestation of us except through Him. In Him we recognized ourselves and recognized Him, and through us the very essence of what God deserves was achieved

If it were not for him, we would not exist. And if it were not for us, we would not exist

We said, “I am He,” and the truth is “ours. ”

So He revealed it and hid it. ***And He revealed it and hid it.

So the truth was universes *** and we were objects

So He appears to us so that we may reve

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If you say about the people of these gatherings, what are their conversations and conversations ?

We say in the answer according to the name that identifies them, so we do not have to specify it, but the divine principles are preserved .

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This is because the speech of the people of the First Presence in their sitting in it, and the first sitting in which between the two examples of His Name are the Manifest, the Initiator, and the Emitter, and every name that gives prominence and the existence of entities, the Truth is spoken of in it in the tongue of the life of souls and the divine life of all the lower things in the isthmuses and the world of the senses and the sensed, the intellect and the intelligible, and in the tongue of the one who is lost . < /p>

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