The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The multiplicity of proverbs and other things, and the oneness, even if it belongs to God Almighty, then what is definite about the oneness of divinity, meaning there is no god but God, and the oneness of the multiplicity in terms of His beautiful names. As for the truth, it is not said about it in terms of what it is in itself as a whole or a part, and it is said in One of us saw Zaid himself in his entirety, due to the possibility that you might see his face and not the rest of his body. So he gave emphasis on seeing all of him. If it were not for the presence of abundance in him, I would not have said all of him .

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He says: If he hears the Qur’an, which is the summation of God’s attributes of exaltation and sanctification, how can the listener not remember its assembly and prostrate to the One who has all the attributes of exaltation? So whoever prostrates in this Surah and does not stop at the knowledge of births and what pregnant women experience in their bellies of the types of pregnant women from the world such as the earth, the clouds, women and all... The females and the meanings that the books carry in their letters are among the carriers, and he did not know in them that he would return from where he came and see a picture of his condition with his own eyes, the immediate and the outcome, to the point that he would swear on what he saw to break it off, so he did not prostrate.

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It is the prostration of the first mind, a prostration of teaching about witnesses and a return to God, and this is the prostration of Surah Al-Alaq when he says, “And prostrate and draw near.” It is a prostration of seeking closeness to God Almighty, and it came after the word deterrence and rebuke, which is his saying, “No” to what he who does not believe in God and the Last Day brought. His Lord says to him, “Prostrate and draw near” when you hold fast to what He has called you to, so you will be safe from the danger of that. End of Part Forty-Seven.

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He prevented a people from prostrating during the times during which it is forbidden to pray, and He permitted a people to prostrate after the afternoon prayer and after the morning prayer, unless the sun approaches setting or rising, which I say by prostrating at all times because the prohibition is related to prayer, and prostration is not part of prayer according to Islamic law except during prayer, and it is also permissible to recite it. Al-Fatihah at all times, even if reciting it during prayer is part of the prayer.

Considering this chapter

Prostration is an act of familiarization and exaltation of what God deserves of transcendence and elevation above the attributes of new things. Such a person is not restricted to a time without a time, but rather The attribution of His glorification and reverence to the times alike, just as the servant can commune with his Lord by reciting His Mighty Book at all times, and he is praiseworthy for that and rewarded by God Almi

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They unanimously agreed that it is directed to the reciter in a prayer, whether prostrating or not, and they differed regarding the listener. Some say that he must prostrate, and some say that he must prostrate, with two conditions: one is that the reciter prostrates, and the other is that he sits to listen to the Qur’an, and that the reciter is among those fit to be an imam. To the listener, and it was said about some of them that the listener prostrates to the reciter’s prostration, even if the reciter is not fit to lead the prayer if he sits to him to listen. What I go to is that there is no prostration for them, even if we dislike that for them.


Prostration must be done on the heart, and if He prostrated and never raised, unlike face prostration. It was agreed upon by Sahl bin Abdullah when he first entered this path that he saw his heart prostrating and waited for it to rise, but it did not rise, so he remained confused. He continued to ask

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The focus of this method is on this heartfelt prostration. If a person has a state of seeing with his own eyes, then say, he is complete and his knowledge and infallibility are complete, so Satan has no way over him. This infallibility in the right of the guardian is called protection, just as it is called infallibility in the right of the Prophet and Messenger, so that the difference between the guardian and the prophet is more polite than they are with the prophets. And the Messengers, may the peace and blessings of God be upon them, are designated by the name of infallibility.

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However, I will explain the difference between them, and that is that the prophets have infallibility from Satan, outwardly and inwardly, and they are protected by God in all their movements. This is because God has appointed them for the people and they have divine dialogue. The prophets sent are infallible and it is permissible for them to do for the sake of their own souls because they are legislated for their actions and words, so if they do It is permissible for them to legislate

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