The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Then there is nothing but silence and the truth speaking *** and there is nothing after that except God, no one but the Creator

So we bear witness to its formation in our witnesses *** facts indicate it in existence

So whoever wishes, let him believe, and whoever wishes, let him say *** other than what he said. We said it, and God is true.

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And the minds limit it to it and add absoluteness to the truth, and you did not know that absoluteness is a restriction, for the restriction is its origin and reason for discrimination so that the facts are not mixed up, so the absoluteness is a restriction, for it has been distinguished from the restricted one and has been limited to the absoluteness, especially since he called himself forbearing and does not hasten, so his giving the slave entitled to take until the time of taking is imprisonment. About sending the taking in the time of maturity, and that is why he called himself patient, so what is then a release in which there is no restriction, because the restriction, which is the universe, is distinguished from its absoluteness by its restriction, for He restricted it by absoluteness, which is His manifestation in every form and His acceptance of every possible ruling, since He is the essence of existence, so the rulings of possible things have restricted Him . p>

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Moses said, “Strengthen your strength with it, and recite in the presence of Abu Yazid. Indeed, the oppression of your Lord is severe.” He said, “My oppression is more severe.” This is because the slave’s oppression is devoid of universal mercy, and God’s oppression is not like that, for divine mercy accompanies him and he knows it, and so it is with the slave’s oppression, except that the servant does not witness it nor find any trace of it. In himself, even if he has mercy on himself with that oppression, but he does not know, and God is All-Knowing of all things, He is All-Knowing that His mercy encompasses everything, so it expands his oppression and the oppression of the universe, but not every oppressive person knows that, and since the servant has oppression from what he has appointed, and he has oppression over his Lord, but not the Lord in reality. He brutalized his servant, so Abu Yazid added the oppression of his Lord to his own oppression, and he said, “My oppression i

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Anything other than this is reprehensible, and blame is attached to whoever it appears to, except he who sees the truth in all things from the divine aspect that they have, but on a verified scale that he does not exceed, for God has set a scale for him with us on earth. God Almighty said, “And He raised up the heavens and set the scale, so let him dispense it according to the setting of truth.” Even though he witnesses Him in everything, God Almighty does not want Him to treat Him in the same way in everything. Rather, He praises Him in the places where praises are required of Him, and He accepts Him and turns away from Him in the places where He is asked to turn away from Him, so He does not exceed the scale that He asks of Him, and this is the deceptive scene in which It is hidden and there is no remover from it except knowledge of the lawful divine balance. So whoever knows it and stands by it and behaves according to the manners of God with which He disciplined His messengers

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