The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Rather, he disposed of what God permitted for him. Before this characteristic, he was one of the people of the limits, but he transcended it after memorizing it. This gave him the honor of knowledge with the presence of the mind of being required, unlike the person in the condition, for the ruling of the person in the condition is the ruling of an insane person from whom the pen has been withdrawn, so he does not write neither for him nor against him, and this is written. For him or against him, this is the extent of what is between knowledge and the situation. What is more honorable than knowledge? If the lover is the possessor of knowledge, he is more perfect than being the possessor of a situation. The situation in this worldly abode is imperfect, and in the Hereafter it is perfect, and knowledge here is perfect and in the Hereafter perfect. And the lover of God has perfected what He has taught of His servants who love Him that they are not required. God has what He has obligat

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He described the lover as being jealous of his beloved.

This is the most deserving of what is found in the right of one who loves God, and this is the position of Al-Shibli. This was led to by the glorification of his beloved in himself and the contempt of his worth. He saw that it was not appropriate for this dear noble to pamper the lovers, for the lovers have pampering in themselves. The Divine Presence, except for the lovers who are described as jealous, for they have no evidence for the glorification that prevails over them. They are described as secretive, and the reason for it is jealousy, and jealousy is an attribute of love, so they do not appear to the world to be among the lovers. This is the position of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, for he described himself as more jealous than Saad after what he described. Saad was jealous because I was with the intention of exaggerating Saad’s jealousy. Then

he mentioned that he, may God’s

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He described the lover as ruling his love in him according to the extent of his mind

Because his mind restricted him, so his mind restricted him, and God Almighty only addressed the rational, and they were those who restricted their attributes and distinguished them from the attributes of their Creator. When the discrepancy occurred, the restriction occurred, so the mind was in place, and for this reason the evidence of the intellects distinguishes between the truth, the servant, and the Creator. And the created being, whoever stands with his mind in the state of his love, will not be able to accept from the authority of love except what his theoretical evidence requires, and whoever stands with the acceptance of his mind and not with the consideration of his mind, then accepts from the truth what he described himself with, the power of love will govern him according to what his mind has accepted of that, so the mind is between consideration and acceptance. The rule of love i

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Khatafa wanted Khatafa, whom he loved, in the dome of Solomon, peace be upon him. Solomon, peace be upon him, was in the dome, so he heard him saying to her, “I have reached the level of your love for you. If you had told me to demolish this dome over Solomon, I would have done so.” So Solomon, peace be upon him, summoned him and said to him, “What is this that I heard from you?” He said, “O Suleiman, no.” Hurry, the lover has a tongue that only a madman can speak, and I love this woman. So I said, “I have not heard. And lovers have no recourse, for they speak with the tongue of love, not with the tongue of knowledge and reason.” So Solomon laughed and had mercy on him and did not punish him.

This is an injury that made him a tyrant and wasted it, and he did not Likewise, the lover of God will be held accountable for everything that he has given, the proof of love and the sincerity of affection, of any flaw in the apparent appearance of the matter. The lover will not be held

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