The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And you did not throw when you threw, but God threw. And his saying, “From what He has made you lagging behind in.” This is at the utmost clarity from the Book of God. It is erased in proof. The lover has nothing to do except what he spends in it. His love has inked him now. He wants other than what He wants with it, and the truth in the same matter refuses anything other than that. And everything that occurs from Him is a creation of God, and it is an object, not a subject. It is the place where things flow, so it is erased in proving that the lover God is erased in proof. The eye only falls on the action of the servant, so this is the erasure of the truth, and nothing gives rational evidence and revelation except the existence of the truth, not the existence of the servant or the universe. This is Proving the truth is erasure in the world of testimony, proof in the presence of witnesses.

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He described the lover as having indulged himself for what his beloved wanted him to do.

This is because love prevented him from seeing the reasons and left him only looking at the side of his beloved, the Almighty, ignorance of what the world needs in him, and in the same matter it must lead to He is entitled to what he asks for of his rights, just as

he said, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and your visit has a right over you

So he brought what the whole world includes, which is visiting, and this is one of the sums of his words, so this lover lowered himself for what his beloved wanted him to do with him. So he knows what rights the scholar has over him in terms of what his Beloved wanted him to do with him in terms of what he did to him, and the Truth is Wise and does not move him except in specific work and fulfilling the specific right in what he who was of the world at that time asks of him, so the scholar comes to know of God and gains witnes

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The lover is described as having intertwined qualities.

This is because the lover asks for contact with the beloved and asks to follow the will of the beloved. The beloved may want something that contradicts the connection. The characteristics of the lover are intertwined in such a lover. God is the first to identify what is last, so his otherness enters into his primacy and enters I gave him priority over his afterlife, and then there is nothing but his essence, so I gave him his person and his afterlife is his slave and he is his beloved. His attributes are intertwined with the attributes of his beloved. If you say “servant,” you are not saved, and if you say “master,” you are not saved, and you are truthful in both matters, then this is the rule of overlap .

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He described the lover as not having a soul with his beloved.

He says that he is at ease with his beloved because he watches his beloved in every soul. He sees where his love is and disposes of it. He does not cease to be troubled by exerting effort in pleasing the beloved and his satisfaction is unknown, so there is no comfort for the lover. This is the meaning of their saying. He does not have a soul, that is, he does not feel free from venting, which is the removal of distress and distress, and this is the description of a lover who is sincere in his love, a lover of God. His saying: Every day he is in a matter and does not act except in the right of His servants, and He does not seek from His servants except His loved ones, and the rest benefit from the rule of subordination. They eat the leftovers of their tables, so his preoccupation with their interests in this world and the hereafter is different. It is described that He is not touched by any evil. God Almighty says,

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He described the lover as being all for his beloved.

This is because he is a sum, and by virtue of his association, his essence appears, so his singularities belong to God, since the singularity belongs to God, and the sum is nothing but these singularities, so all of them belong to God. If you multiply each one of the sum by the true one, what emerges from that is the true one. This is the meaning. All of it belongs to His Beloved, and He is one and the total, because the total has oneness, and based on this it comes out that if the lover is God, then all are in the right of God despite His uniqueness. Those are only the divine names, which are the ninety-nine, so the multiplicity in the names appeared, so the name of the whole and the singles of this whole is correct. Each name is designated separately. The servant is asked for that name in reality. One in which His authority is revealed, and it is only one, so you multiply the one in the one, and the one servant appears in

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