The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 356 من الجزء Two He described the lover as being all for his beloved.

This is because he is a sum, and by virtue of his association, his essence appears, so his singularities belong to God, since the singularity belongs to God, and the sum is nothing but these singularities, so all of them belong to God. If you multiply each one of the sum by the true one, what emerges from that is the true one. This is the meaning. All of it belongs to His Beloved, and He is one and the total, because the total has oneness, and based on this it comes out that if the lover is God, then all are in the right of God despite His uniqueness. Those are only the divine names, which are the ninety-nine, so the multiplicity in the names appeared, so the name of the whole and the singles of this whole is correct. Each name is designated separately. The servant is asked for that name in reality. One in which His authority is revealed, and it is only one, so you multiply the one in the one, and the one servant appears in


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