The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Something He said, “Look, does my servant have any voluntary work?” If he had any voluntary work, he said, “Complete my slave’s obligatory prayers with what he has voluntary.”

Then the deeds are taken according to the quantity. If the deed is other than the self of the worker, such as one who withholds zakat and like a usurper of a matter, it is forbidden for him to usurp it, so cover that. Money is an image of this servant’s work, whether good or bad. If it is ugly, it is ringed with it, as he said regarding the one who withholds zakat. They will be ringed with what they were stingy with on the Day of Resurrection. And he, peace be upon him, said about it. It represents to him what he has, a brave one, squeaking.

The hadith, and in it he says to him, “I am your treasure,” and he is ringed. And the treasure is from the servant’s work in money, and so are the righteous servants of God in what they bestow of goodness with what is due to their souls and to the dispos

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May God be pleased with them, those to whom at death his knowledge of the Divine Majesty was revealed, and they are two men: a man who took his knowledge of God from consideration and reasoning, and a man who took his knowledge from revelation, and the form of revelation is more complete and more beautiful in manifestation, because revealing and acquiring this knowledge results in piety and righteous deeds, which is his saying, “Fear God,” and God will teach you, and His knowledge will appear to him when Death is a beautiful image or a light that confuses him and rejoices in it. If he is accompanied by a psychological claim in his acquisition of that knowledge, then he is in the beautiful image below the one who was not accompanied by a claim in the acquisition of that knowledge. Rather, he sees it as a divine gift, a bounty, and a favor that he does not see for himself as doing. Rather, he is one of those who failed in his work in his work, so it was done. With it, it is like a tool

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The belief that he has no knowledge unless his belief is consistent with knowledge of the matter as it is, so he believed in God what the scholar believes, but based on imitation of his teacher, one of the scholars of God, but he must imagine what he believes, for it is not in his power to strip him of imagination while he is dying, and dying is a state of foresight. In the presence of the correct imagination in which there is no doubt, what is the imagination that is a force in a person in the front of his brain? Rather, it is an imagination from outside, like Gabriel in the form of Dihya, and it is an independent, existential, correct presence with physical images clothed with meanings and spirits, so his degree is according to what he believes of that status. If this is The servant is a holder of a station who has attained the level of the luminous souls, for they are the ones about whom God mentioned that they said, “And there is not among us but that he has a known station.” Then

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If he is in a condition at the time of his death, a condition is returned to him from God in which he takes hold, then it is for him like a robe, not like a state, so he wears it and beautifies himself according to what that condition is, which indicates his status. The condition may be a beginning, or it may be the result of a previous action, and there are two differences between them, even if the condition is gifted in every way, but people There are two types of them: there are those who are offered a service, so it is said that he is worthy of what has been bestowed upon him, and among them are those who are not given that, so the blessing and care for him are more apparent because he does not know the reason for him, even though all conditions are gifts and stations are worthy of messengers .

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To whom his messenger whom he inherited appears to him when he is dying, since the scholars are the heirs of the prophets, and he sees Jesus when he is dying, or Moses, or Abraham, or Muhammad, or any prophet, peace be upon all of them. Some of them say the name of that prophet whom he inherited when he comes to him, rejoicing over him, because all the messengers are happy, so he says when he is dying. Jesus, or he calls him the Messiah, as God called him, and he is most likely. Those present hear this saint uttering such a word, and they think poorly of him and attribute him to the fact that he converted to Christianity at the time of death and that Islam was taken away from him. Or he is called Moses, or some of the prophets of the children of Israel, and they say that he converted to Judaism, and he is one of the greatest happy people in the sight of God. This scene The general public does not know him, but rather the people of God know him from the masters of revelations, even if

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