The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

So return to him and accept him, and do not reject him, and do not hold a grudge against you if you are of advanced age or rank and the truth appears with someone who is younger than you in age or status, or the truth appears with an idiot, and you behave with him and take it from him and acknowledge his favor over you in him. This is goodness, and I have not seen anyone achieve this. In my lifetime, there was no one except one master called Abu Abdullah Ibn Jubayr, whom I met in the city of Ceuta and the Kutama Palace, and he is part of the Sharia etiquette, for the Sharia etiquette is the mother of the rest of the sections .

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It is abandoning good manners regarding your annihilation and returning all of that to God, and it will be mentioned in the chapter that follows this one, and it is in the stations, such as giving in the types of giving, which is giving for the sake of enjoyment for no other reason, and likewise for a banquet, gathering over food of one’s wealth is a reason other than an invitation to it specifically, without any restriction of the quality of a banquet. Or circumcision, or hospitality, or the aqeeqah, and so on. Likewise, the one who brings goodness for no reason, but rather because the one who does that has a virtuous and good soul in and of itself, then that is he who is polite, and good manners have a state and a station, and this is the door to knowing his station, for his station is what is always established for him, and that is nothing but good manners with the truth, for it has permanence in this world and the hereafter. And only those who were foolish and blameworthy won

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It is to give the person of the served whatever it is that she deserves from her own personal standpoint, which is for her to stand by what she herself asks for, so hasten to do it before she commands you to do it or asks you about it, so that the humiliation of the question does not appear to her, even if he is older than you and asks you about a matter, then it is in terms of Beware of him asking you about that matter if you do it as a manifestation of his need for you, even if it benefits you, but the position of the question requires that. The position of service etiquette is to always be present with every person who witnesses you, considering what you deserve according to what time, place, or situation gives him, so you do it for her without asking, and without warning from anyone except you. Your presence is the place of service etiquette .

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It means that you carry out its command specifically, not with what it gives you, unless it commands you to do so, so your doing what its essence gives you is in terms of its command and nothing else. God Almighty said, “And whatever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatever he forbids you, abstain from it.” And God Almighty said, “O you who have believed, obey God and obey the Messenger and those of God.” Order from you and all Serving on behalf of an order is part of the Sharia etiquette, not the etiquette of service.

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We will mention it, God willing.

It is an etiquette of the Sharia that you adhere to its legitimate rulings and abide by its duties and limits, and you identify with it merely for the sake of service and work, not to sweeten one’s soul with knowledge of it without working. It is an etiquette of service that you should not be distracted or inspired by what it produces for you. From what is served, such as acceptance and contemplation notes, if your preoccupation with that is what you serve only your purpose and yourself, and among the etiquette of the truth is that your knowledge in things does not exceed his knowledge in them, which is agreement, and if he gives you your knowledge to the contrary, especially in the deeds that the truth has added to creation, then add them to those that God has added and leave your knowledge for His knowledge. For He is the All-Knowing, and you are the All-Knowing, and He is the Truthful in what He informs. He did not add a matter to the o

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