The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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[ The explorer and the diligent ]

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 255 من الجزء Two

And the one who possesses revelation in this nation has the right to correct the Muhammadan Sharia, which has the ruling of ijtihad. The holder of this position today does not obtain the reward of diligent scholars nor the rank of a judge, because knowledge of what is required of him in the revealed Sharia prevents them from doing so, even if what is proven by the holder of this position is proven by the mujtahid. Revealing invalidated his ijtihad, and that ruling was forbidden to him. Therefore, the mujtahid has no right to issue a fatwa on facts except when they are revealed, not when it is estimated that they will be revealed. Rather, that is for the original legislator due to the possibility that he will retract that ruling by ijtihad when what is determined to be revealed is revealed. Therefore, the scholars forbade giving a fatwa by imitation. Perhaps the imam who imitated him in that ruling that He ruled on it in his time. If he had lived to this day, it would have seemed t


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