The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Because of this certainty, his ruling in this situation is attachment to God in warding off harm from this servant, so that is the question of certainty and its attachment to the side of truth, not the slave’s attachment or his question

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This is because the servant was the cause of the appearance of the eye of certainty due to the absence of certainty himself. The object of this certainty had a hand that he wanted to reward, so he asked for certainty, creating the Almighty to remove the harm from this object, since certainty only exists to remove the harm, but in the case of benefit, he has no rule except in its perpetuation. No, for it is a reality. If the servant imagines that it will be removed, then certainty asks God for its continued existence in its place. Thus, abandoning certainty means that the servant does not object to certainty in asking his Lord for whatever he wants, so he leaves it to do what he wants, so the servant here is not characterized by anything.

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Despite this investigation, the issue is ambiguous and far-fetched. The servant is, in his origin, troubled and shaken by dominion, and he has no certainty regarding his reality, for it is a place for the renewal of symptoms upon him, and certainty is stillness, and it is an accident, so there is no confirmation of his two times. By God Almighty, every day is in a matter, and the smallest of days is an individual time. I have shown you that people God is in their souls apart from what certainty demands, and that certainty is the questioner, and that is why He said to him, “Until certainty comes to you,” then certainty is the one who asks and labors while you are at ease, so understand, and God speaks the truth and He guides the way.

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Standing with the will of God cannot be at rest with it at all, because it is a departure from the reality of the soul, and the thing does not depart from its reality, since it is impossible for a thing to depart from its reality, so there is no reassurance for the aspirant except through good news, for he will be at rest in that case because the word is true, and the good news is definite and temporary. Then he will have peace of mind towards it, which is certainty. It has been reported that the angels fear God’s deception.

There is no certainty with fear. If the servant rests on his word, he will do what he wants and it will not go away from him. That peace of mind may be called certainty, but in the place he inherits something other than what he seeks. From the rule of certainty that the people of God have agreed upon, but as for us, certainty is present in every one of God’s creation, but the disagreement occurs regarding what certainty relates to, for certainty is a

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The diversity of drinking patience in every drinking place *** in the ba'n and on or in and with the ba and the lam

And patience is only in the face of harm *** in the presence and appreciation of various types of pain

And appointed for the patient truth is harm that has come *** with the decisive verses of the Book For the media

There is no patience in blessings if you are knowledgeable *** according to the words of a truthful Imam, judgment is knowledgeable

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Know, may God grant you success, that God Almighty says that those who harm God and His Messenger, and he is told that he is harmed, then God Almighty is called patient in the face of harm to His creation. Just as He asked His servants to remove harm while deserving it of the name “patient,” likewise the name “patience” is not removed from a servant if a calamity befalls him, so he asked God Almighty to remove that. The affliction is as Job, peace be upon him, did. He said, “Harm has touched me, and You are the Most Merciful of those who are merciful.” And God praised him and said with this question, “Indeed, we found him patient.” Patience is not withholding oneself from complaining to God to lift or ward off the affliction. Rather, patience is withholding oneself from complaining to other than God and relying on that other, and I have demonstrated it. You know that God asked His servants to remove the harm they caused Him with, despite His ability not to create in them the harm

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It is one of the stations that will be cut off and go away when the people of Hell enter Hell and the people of Paradise enter Paradise. The distinction between the two groups is the distinction of being cut off, that no one will be attached to anything other than the abode in which he is. Divine patience and His judgment will be removed with the disappearance of the world. This is good news for the removal of the name of the avenger and the one who is severe in punishment, as we have seen the removal of the patient and His mercy preceded it. His anger

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The wisdom of the disappearance of the world is removing harm from God, since it only exists in it, so give good news to the servants of God of the comprehensiveness and breadth of mercy and its withdrawal from every creature except God, even after a while, because with the removal of the world, harm is removed from everyone who was harmed, and with the disappearance of harm, patience is removed, and among the causes of punishment is harm, and harm has disappeared. Mercy must be shown and anger must be removed, so mercy must be extended to everyone, thanks to God, God willing. This is our thought of God.

For God, who is the truthful one, says, “I am as my servant thinks of me, so let him think good of me.”

So he informed and ordered, but no restrictions were imposed on the suspect or on anyone else, and for this reason

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