The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

[ Patience is one of the stations that is cut off when the people of Hell and the people of Paradise enter Paradise ]

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 206 من الجزء Two

It is one of the stations that will be cut off and go away when the people of Hell enter Hell and the people of Paradise enter Paradise. The distinction between the two groups is the distinction of being cut off, that no one will be attached to anything other than the abode in which he is. Divine patience and His judgment will be removed with the disappearance of the world. This is good news for the removal of the name of the avenger and the one who is severe in punishment, as we have seen the removal of the patient and His mercy preceded it. His anger


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