The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

As for his happy choice of circumstances, it is the last good news that will be true for the people of happiness. There is no good news after that, for it is good news that accompanies eternity, as stated in the report, and it is good news after the people return from the vision. No, in fact, it is from God to them in the dune upon the vision in the greatest falsehood.

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As for his choice of Paradise, it is the abode of eternal happiness and the protection of its people from every calamity that occurs in the abode opposite it, and what gives him the power of the names of vengeance

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As for his choice of the ninety-nine numbers, it is because they are the string of names that unite the ones and the complexes. Indeed, God has ninety-nine names, a hundred minus one. Whoever counts them will enter Paradise simply by counting them by memorization, pronunciation, and understanding. For God is a string and loves the string.

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As for his choice of the obligatory duties, it is because their result is that the servant has the right attribute to his hearing and sight. The love of the voluntary acts is given by the fact that the servant has the right to have his hearing and sight, and the voluntary deeds are only at a level lower than the obligatory ones, so the obligatory ones have priority, and the right does not come down to being the servant’s hearing, as he said, with what he necessitates. Glory must be revealed by God in His capacity, which is that the servant is an attribute of the truth to the image in which he was created, so it is cut off from the divine image, just as the womb is a part of the Most Merciful. The superiority of the obligation, even if he had not given that obligation.

It is not proven that he said, “I was hungry and you did not feed me. ”

And I am most eager to meet My servant who wants Me.

For he is closer to us. From my jugular vein, and I did not hesi

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As for his choosing the Night of Destiny, things are not distinguished except by their decrees according to the truth, and the truth is unseen, so he limited destiny to the night because the night conceals it just as it conceals the unseen

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As for his choice of days on Friday, because on it the two forms appeared, and God made that day for the forms, which is the fifth month of the sperm’s miscarriage, and it is a feminine day that has adornment and the perfection of creation, and God chose an hour on it from among His hours that is like a joke in a mirror, and it is the place of the image of the One who is revealed in the mirror of the day, so he sees himself in it. And on the image that appears between the mirror and the observer in it, speech and assignment take place, and through it, the nouns of signs occur, such as the, the, and the, and the, and the, and the, and the names of the pronouns such as he and she and they and them and and and and and and and and and and as and and and and you and and and you and you and you and you and ya and the pronoun of the speaker affecting his vessels if they are not preserved by the noun of protection and no. It must have an effect either on the immediate or in the noon of pr

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As for his choosing the three centuries in order, the first of these is due to the appearance of the perfection of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, both in absentia and in testimony. He enacted the Sharia himself and abrogated what was the Sunnah of his deputies in his presence and established from it what he decided and affirmed faith in all of it, what was abrogated from it and what was not abrogated, and this is the first century, then two. After him, all the people of Fatah and Zuhur are in the same position as the three Ghurar of every month. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, says, he invades and a group of people, and it is said, “Is there anyone among you who saw the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace?” They say, “Yes,” and it is opened for them, and this is the first century. Then he invades and a group of people, and it is said, “Is there anyone among you who saw who?” He saw the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers

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