The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

God is ashamed of him to be held accountable for a sin, just as the servant is ashamed of God in the event that he repents to God if he commits a mistake while he is in this state, for he is not repentant in that state, and we spoke about the repentant, so modesty is necessary for him, and modesty requires abandoning the misstep immediately and whoever abandons the misstep. In the case of the repentant, if he knows, he abandons attributing it to his Lord and attributes it to himself as being polite to God. In the same matter, the action is the act of God, the decree is from God, and the ruling is that it is a disobedience and a slip of God’s rule. However, etiquette tells him to attribute it to yourself when the tongue of censure is attached to it, and for this reason he said about the punishment of the soul. Every thought is reprehensible, and the origin is what inspired her immorality and piety.

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Among those who know God are those who abandon a slip immediately in their view, so that they do not bear witness that it is a slip, and this is the same as God’s judgment on it, because He is the one who ruled that it is a slip, and since it is an act of God, it is of the utmost beauty and beauty. Rather, it is called a slip from a slip if it slips, meaning it slips from Attributing the fact that it was one of God’s actions to God’s ruling on it for condemnation, so God judged it as a misstep on this level, so I know, and among those who know about God, whoever abandons a misstep is in his right, he can bear witness to the misstep in that act from it being a misstep, not from it being an act to which blame or praise is attached, so he can attest to its attribution to the servant for which it occurred. It is called a mistake, and then it is followed by blame. And if every divine action is attributed to the servant from this perspective, then all cosmic actions are all mistakes, pr

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Among the people is someone whose right to abandoning a misstep in the situation is his preoccupation with returning to his Lord, and humiliation is his turning away from his Lord, then he is in the opposite. And whoever is in the opposite situation in the situation is not in its opposite, then necessarily he will not have a misstep in this situation. And among the people is someone who abandoning the slip in the instant is in His right is his preoccupation with his witnesses, the return of the truth to him so that he may return to him, to distinguish between his return to him so that he may return to him, and the return of another, not so that he may return to him, to distinguish between the two returns, to establish for himself the balance of what he is obligated to do in that from God, whether any of the deeds, such as remembrance with the tongue or heart, or action with a limb, or the total. Or some of the total, and whoever has this type of work does not make a mistake in the

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As for the second pillar, which is regret for what has been missed, it is, according to the jurists, the greatest pillar in the same position as his saying, Hajj to Arafat, because it is the greatest pillar, and here many matters are branched out among those who repent. It is called regret, and lamentation is the effect, so it was turned into a mimah and made the effect of sadness special. As for its attachment to missing time, some of our companions saw that it is a waste of time, for what has passed cannot be recovered. Among our companions are those who see that it is the owner of the time, and that its benefit is to make up for what has passed, and use his saying as evidence, except those who repent and believe and do righteous deeds, for those will be replaced. God turns their bad deeds into good deeds, and among our companions are those who believe that he does not regret it except by bringing to himself his own sin that is the barrier between him and what he missed i

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And it is a great light, and its veil shines. So, whoever has his bad deeds made beautiful to him and sees it as good, then he associates the bad with it when he adds it to it and sees it as good, and there must be an existential presence that made it obligatory for him to have the good that he saw in the place of action, since nothingness does not see it as possible, and there is nothing good except for it being from actions. God did not harm him except by adding him to the servant, for He said, “Is it that whoever is beautified for him because he is for his Lord, his deed is bad because it is his work, and the bad deed earns him, and he sees it as good with divine adornment, and God’s adornment is not forbidden, then in the same matter he is adorned with God’s adornment and according to the servant according to what is present in him, and if Satan’s adornment is present to him, then it is bad for him.” It is evil, and if it is attended by the beautification of the worldly life,

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