The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

God Almighty said, “And to Him you will be returned.” This is in specific matters. He said in specific matters and in conditions. He said, “And to Him all matters will be returned.” He said, “Surely, to God do all matters happen.” He said, “There is no living creature but He takes hold of its forelock.” These verses and their likes all indicate a person’s journey to God in Van Palace God is the goal of every traveler, whether he travels from himself or from his own universe or from one of the universes and in it or in the names of his Lord. The Truth, Glory be to Him, is the goal of the path, whether the paths are intended or not. So what is the goal of the traveler’s intention, for the traveler is restricted in his intention and it is inevitable, and God is not restricted except by absoluteness, for absoluteness is a restriction, so for this. We are commanded to be negligent in everything that is called a journey of sacrifice, whether it is permissible or disobedient, and who

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It is the place from which the traveler begins to shorten his prayers. Some scholars said that he should not shorten his prayers until he leaves the houses of the village, and he will not complete it until he enters the first of its houses. And there are those who say that he should not shorten his prayers if it is a comprehensive village until he is about three miles from it.


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Man is a body and a soul, so as long as the human soul resides in his body and his senses are aware of his nature, then he is resident and does not travel, so his prayer is complete. If the soul travels from his body and leaves it behind in a state of extinction, then it has disappeared from it at the beginning, and if it is absent from it, then it is Sunnah to shorten the prayer. The meaning of shortening here is what is specific to the soul in terms of the ruling on prayer, from its being a spirit, not from its being the ruler of the body. In this case, it is absent from its body, so nothing remains of the ruling for prayer except what is specific to it. Whoever takes into account the fact that its body has three branches, which is what it contains of length, width, and depth, which is It applies in every sense of the body except in the doctrine of theologians, for according to them the body is length without width, which means the smallest body, and in the doctrine of other

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And the comprehensive village, which is the comprehensive physical body of his body and the body of others, for among our companions are those who say that whoever moves in his absence from the form of his senses to the form of his senses, then he is not called absent, whether that form is spiritual, nominal, moral, or physical, and whatever it appears to him in physical forms, he is abiding. In the body, it is obligatory for him to complete the prayer that is included in shortening and completing, which is the four-rak’ah prayer. The double rak’ah, which is the morning prayer, is not included in shortening, because the one rak’ah is due to the oneness of truth, and the second rak’ah is due to the oneness of the servant, so there is a need for one to pray and pray for him, so there is no shortening of the morning prayer. As for the three-rak’ah, which is the sunset prayer, then the two rak’ahs in which he recites aloud are understood. The preemption of man and the fact that they a

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