The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

So if he says it, he says, “God reminds me of my servant,” then this should be the factor in “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,” mention, so the “ba” is related to this verb if this report is authentic, and if it is not authentic, then the verb is “Read in the name of God,” for it appears in “Read in the name of your Lord.” This is difficult for them to say that infinitives do not work. Action of verbs unless they are preceded, but if they are delayed, then they are weak in action, and this for us is not satisfactory in reasoning because it is a rule of grammar, for the Arabs do not reason or give reason, so for me the basmalah is attached to his saying, “Praise be to God by His names,” for God is not praised except by His names. Otherwise, it does not happen, and we should not be burdened with it. The Qur’an is omitted except for necessity, and this is not a necessity if it is true.

The saying of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace b

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So if the one who knows God says, “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,” he attaches the “ba” to what is in “praise” from the meaning of the verb, as we said. He says, “God is not praised except by His Most Beautiful Names,” so he mentioned three names from that. The name God is a collective name that is not derived, so it can be described or described, for it is to nouns as the essence is to adjectives, so he mentioned it first. In that it is an indication of the essence, like all proper names in the tongue, even if it does not have the power of signification, because it is a description of the rank, like the name of the Sultan, then since it only indicates the abstract entity at all in terms of what it is for itself, without lineage, there is no illusion in this name of derivation, and that is why it was called basmala, which is the name with God, meaning your saying in the name of God, especially like Al-Abdala, which is your saying Abdullah, and likewise A

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And no matter how much a divine name is mentioned, it is not preceded by a universe requesting the name, nor is it delayed by a universe requested by the name in the verse. That name is considered by the knower in terms of its significance to the entity named by it, not in terms of the intelligible attribute of it, nor in terms of the derivation that the universe requests, unlike the divine name if it is mentioned. In the effect of a universe, or in its effect, a universe, or between two universes, then if the universe occurs in its effect, then that universe is its result, and to it it is connected and sought, for it emanates from it. If you contemplate it, you will find it, like His saying, “The Most Merciful taught the Qur’an. He created man.” And if the universe proceeds and the divine name comes in its effect, then it is the First and the Last, it was the opposite. From the first, such as: Fear God and His saying, and God will teach you, so piety revealed what one is fearful

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On the Day of Judgment, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, will appear to the eyes of the worlds because of their lack of two mercies, the general and the specific, the obligatory mercy, and gratitude, and the request of the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful.

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On the Day of Judgment, in order for the authority of the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, to be revealed from his being a king, for mercy on the part of the king is a mercy of pride and gratitude, with dispensation, unlike the mercy of anyone other than the king, such as a mother’s mercy towards her child due to natural compassion, so the mother repel by having mercy on her child whatever pain she finds because of him in herself, for her soul is His mercy and for herself she seeks.

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