The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The iqama has a ruling and description. As for its ruling, people disagreed about it. Some people said that it is a confirmed Sunnah for individuals and groups more than the call to prayer, and some people said that it is an obligation, and this is the doctrine of some of the Zahir scholars. If they mean that it is an obligation of the prayer, the prayer is invalidated by its lapse, and if they do not say that, the prayer is valid and he is a sinner. By abandoning it, because I saw for some of them that the prayer is invalidated by abandoning it, and whoever says that whoever abandons it intentionally, his prayer is invalidated, and this is the doctrine of Ibn Kinanah

Considering that in the ruling

Residence for the sake of God is a necessary obligation, and the residency is for what He commanded us. If God grants us the evidence of the situation, then if it gives the evidence of the situation that this command is obligatory, we oblige it, like his saying, “Streng

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According to a people, there is a takbir that begins with a dual and what remains in it is a singular, and the takbir that comes after the iqama is a dual, and among a people like that, except for the iqama, it is a dual, and some people chose between a dual and a singular, and some people said with a dual in the whole and a square, and the first takbir, with agreement in unifying the other tahlil.

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As for those who add, i.e. those who add more than one, it applies equally to the levels that we mentioned regarding the call to prayer, and we did not modify it for another consideration, because it came in the apparent meaning of Sharia with the word adhan and not with another word except the iqama, so the iqama was isolated from the call to prayer, which is his saying, “The prayer has begun,” so it is a report about the past and the prayer is about the future. It is good news from God to His servants for whoever came to the mosque waiting for prayer, or was on the way to it, or was in the state of ablution because of it, or was in the state of intending to perform ablution before starting it, to pray that ablution and die in some of all of these situations, then he will have the reward of whoever prayed it, even if it did not occur. From him, he used the past tense to make it happen. If it happened in action, he has the reward of actually achieving it, and the reward of attaini

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Muslims have agreed that facing the Qiblah, I mean the Kaaba, is one of the conditions for the validity of prayer. If the consensus had not preceded me on this issue, I would not have said that it is a condition. The Almighty’s saying, “Wherever they turn, there is the face of God,” was revealed after it, and it is a clear verse that has not been abrogated, but the consensus was established on this. And according to the Almighty’s saying, “Wherever you turn, then God will face judgment on the perplexed person who is ignorant of the qiblah, and he will pray wherever his opinion most likely due to his diligence, without disagreement, and if it appears to him after that that he prayed facing other than the qiblah, he no longer disagrees about that, unlike the one who did not find a way to purity, for there has been disagreement about whether he should pray.” Or not? Then there is no disagreement. If a person inspects the house, it is obligatory for him to face his eye, but if he does

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