The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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The Messengers and their outward deeds, and the amount of faith they had within them an atom’s weight, was distinguished from the infidels by this amount, and it was said about them that they were hypocrites. God Almighty said, “Indeed,

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The hypocrites and the disbelievers are in Hell together, so mention the abode. The hypocrites will be tormented at the bottom of Hell, and the disbelievers will have a torment at the top and the bottom .

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God has arranged levels and levels of torment in the fire of Hell for specific actions with specific organs on a known scale that He does not exceed. The believer has no access to the fire at all about the place of his faith, so he has no share in the fire that looks at the hearts, and if he departs from it there, then his providence continues in his place of man. Rather, it goes out of his way to protect him and protect him from the punishment of God as long as God wills, just as it goes out of him in this world if he commits sin.

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said about a believer who drinks alcohol, steals, and commits adultery. He does not do any of that, and he is a believer when he does it. He said that faith departs from him at that time when he acts.

People interpreted this hadith in a different way because they did not understand the intent of the legislator. They interpreted faith by deeds and said that he wanted to act. Th

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Know that the divine wisdom in this matter is that if the servant begins to commit a transgression in which he believes that it is a transgression and a disobedience, then by doing it he has exposed himself to the punishment of God descending upon him and the infliction of punishment on him, and that this action calls for affliction to befall him from God, thus stripping him of the faith that is in his heart until It will be like a canopy upon him, so if the affliction descends from God seeking it, his faith will receive it and turn it away from him, for faith cannot be resisted by anything that will prevent him from reaching it, as a mercy from God. What follows is the statement of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, an explanation. This is why we said that the believing servant will never be sincere because of a disobedience that does not occur. It is tinged with obedience, which is because he believes in it, it is disobedience, so he is one of those who

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Then we go back and say that since faith is the purity of the inner, it is not possible to imagine the difference in it as it was imagined in the outer purity, except in a precise way in which the ruling of the apparent in the inner is the ruling of the inner in the purity of the outer, so we say from that perspective, is it a condition of the purity of the inner with faith that it should be uttered? So the tongue says what the heart believes, whether it is that or not, and in the world of the unseen if he does not appear to be a hypocrite with what he believes in the interior, like the apparent hypocrite in the world of testimony, the believer believes that prayer is obligatory, for example, but does not pray or purify himself, just as the hypocrite prays and purifies himself and does not believe in its obligation for him in his heart and does not believe it or not. He does it based on the saying of that Messenger who legislated it for him. This is the meaning of that, if you inv

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As for the actions of this purity,

they are mentioned in the Qur’an and Sunnah, and their obligation is clear from its Sunnah, such as the desirability of actions in them. This purity has conditions, pillars, descriptions, numbers, and specific limits in its place.

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Among its conditions is the intention, which is the intention of doing it in terms of getting closer to God Almighty when embarking on the act. Some people hold that it is a condition for the validity of that act, which is not valid except with its presence. And what cannot lead to an obligation except through it is obligatory and necessary, and it is our doctrine and we say it. With regard to outward and inward purity, and for us in the inward, it is more certain and obligatory, because intention is also one of the attributes of the inward, so its ruling in inward purity is stronger because it governs the place of its authority, and the outward is foreign to it. For this reason, there is no difference in our knowledge in the inward, and there is disagreement in that in the outward. An extremity of the discussion about intention has come forward that sings and is gone. Others point out that it is not a condition for the validity of what we mentioned regarding the purity of ablutio

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Sharia scholars differed regarding washing the hand before inserting it into the vessel from which you want to perform ablution, with four opinions. Some say that washing them is a general Sunnah, some say that this is recommended for one who doubts the purity of his hand, and some say that washing the hand is obligatory for the one who rises from sleep in the vessel he wants. Ablution from him and those who say that this is obligatory for the one who wakes up from the night’s sleep in particular, and this is a summary of the scholars’ doctrines in my knowledge on this issue. Every speaker has an argument of reasoning to prove his statement, and this book is not the place to present their evidence and

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