The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Whatever separates the earth from what is given the name earth, if it is in the earth, there is a difference in it, except for the dirt, as we mentioned. This purity may be an independent act of worship, as he, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said, in which there is light upon light, and it may be a condition for the validity of a specific, lawful act of worship that is not valid. That worship is lawful except for its presence or preference. The first is like ablution upon ablution, light upon light, and the second is to remove the impediment to the act of worship that is not valid except with this purity and the permissibility of doing it, which is the basis for its legislation. Among what this purity occurs is that which removes the impediment and makes the act permissible together, which is water, without disagreement, and date wine. In ablution there is a difference, including what makes it permissible for the specific act at the time it is supposed to take place, and

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And you do not find water, then go to clean earth and wipe your faces and your hands with it. God does not intend to make it difficult for you, but He intends to purify you.

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And God Almighty said: And He sends down upon you water from the sky to purify you thereby and to remove from you the impurity of Satan, and the zay of the filth here is replaced by the sīn on the reading of the one who recited the zarāt with the zaī, which is a language in which Ibn Katheer recited, I mean with the sīn and Hamza with the zaī, and the rest of the reciters with the ṣād, it is said that I heard an old man and I was reciting the Qur’an to him, to whom is Muhammad. Ibn Khalaf Ibn Saf Al-Lakhmi in his mosque known as the Al-Haniyah Arch in Seville, in Andalusia, in the year five hundred and seventy-eight, so I recited Al-Sirat with Al-Sin to Ibn Katheer, and he said to me: Some of the language transmitters asked some of the Bedouins how do you say Saqr or Saqr, and he said to him, I do not know what you are saying, but I think you are asking about exhalation, so he said, so he increased my language. A third that I did not know. Al-Farra’ said, “The filthy abomination.”

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It is the ablution that specializes in certain organs by washing and wiping, and it is a warning to known stations and noble manifestations, including strength, speech, breathing, honesty, humility, modesty, hearing, and steadfastness. These are the organs of ablution and they are noble stations that have results in closeness to God .

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And this spiritual purity is due to one of two things: either the secret of life or the origin of the natural, elemental generation. Ablution is the secret of life to behold the Living and Self-Subsisting, or the origin of creation in the father, who is the origin of children, which is the earth and the dirt. There is nothing but looking and contemplating within yourself to know the one who created you, for He bestowed upon you. In the Almighty’s saying, “And in yourselves, ‘Do you not see?’” and in

the saying of His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, “Whoever knows himself knows his Lord, ”

He referred you to you in detail and hid you from you in general so that you may consider and infer, and He said in detail, “And indeed We created man.” From a descendant of clay, which is Adam, peace be upon him, here. Then We made him a sperm in a firm abode, which is the growth of children in the wombs, the places of the sperm and the locations of the stars,

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He made you know by this that the mood has no effect on your kindness, even if it is not a text, but it is clear and clearer than his saying, “He made you equal, and He made you equal,” which is what he mentioned in detail about fluctuations in phases. He said, “In any form, whatever He willed, He composed you, so He combined it with the will.” It is clear that if the mood required a specific, specific spirit. What he said

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