The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In the Sharia, or there is a suspicion that this is permissible, he sees it as part of his doctrine of prohibition, so he says that the soul is a sign of evil, such as drinking wine between a permissible and a forbidden one, and marrying a stepdaughter in which the two conditions are not met, and such things in the Sharia are many, and both schools of thought are established and valid laws if they are based on ijtihad, even though one of them made a mistake. The evidence of the legislator who ruled on that issue, or if he ruled on it, and the two diligent scholars are rewarded. In the issue, one of the diligent scholars may be correct, and each of them may be wrong. The ruling on that issue is not limited by Islamic law. Then, the saying of God Almighty is that the soul is prone to evil, so what is God’s ruling on it in that? Rather, God narrated what the wife of the Almighty said in the gathering of the Almighty. Was she correct in this addition? Or was she not correct? This is a

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I have known you about the soul and that it moves the limbs by what dominates them, either from itself or from what it accepts from the angel or Satan in what he inspires it with. The knowledge of inspiration is to know that God inspired you with what He has entrusted to you, but it remains for you to look at the hands of the one who inspired you and by what path it came to you. That inspiration is from an angel or the devil, and what comes out of the form of legitimate commands and prohibitions is worldly knowledge. What is inspiration? Knowledge of obedience is important, and knowledge of the results of obedience is worldly. So there is a difference between worldly knowledge and inspiration. Inspiration is an incidental, temporary occurrence that fades away and something else comes, and worldly knowledge is constant and does not go away. Some of it is of origin. Creation and creation, like the knowledge of animals and small children with some of their benefits and harms, is nece

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