The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

It was only such and such that the world was divided into miserable and happy because of the divine names. The divine rank requires for its own sake that there be affliction and well-being in the world, and it does not necessitate that any of that be permanent unless God wills, for there is no one who knows and is called by these names. So the matter is in This is like a condition and a condition, which is like a cause and an effect, so the condition is not valid unless the existence of the condition is valid, and the condition may be even if the condition does not occur. When we saw affliction and well-being, we said that they must have a condition, which is that truth is a god called the one who afflicts, the tormentor, and the bestower, and just as every possible thing is susceptible to one of the two rulings, I mean. The two opposites are also subject to the absence of one of the two opposites. The entire world is possible, so it is permissible for one of the two rulings to be

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If the divine news that informs knowledge is contained in a text that cannot be interpreted as saying that the world is eternal in one of the two rulings, or that each ruling occurs in a specific part of the world and that part of it is eternally eternal, we accept it and say it, and what has been reported from the law is that the scholar who is in hell is Those who are its inhabitants and do not come out of it, their remaining in it is due to the existence of torment. Just as the ruling of torment is removed from what is possible and they are the people of Paradise, likewise it is permissible for the existence of torment to be removed from the people of Hell even though they are in Hell, according to His saying, “And they will not come out of the Fire,” and He said, “My mercy precedes My wrath.”

p> The existence of the condition does not necessitate the existence of the conditional, so God is God with all His names, and there is no torment in the world or pain, because His e

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The picture was correct for Adam because of his creation with the hands, so the truths of the entire world were gathered in him, and the world seeks the divine names, so the divine names were gathered in him. This is why Adam, peace be upon him, was singled out for knowledge of all the names that have an orientation to the world, and that knowledge was not given by God to the angels, and they are the highest, most honorable world. God Almighty said. God Almighty taught Adam all the names, and did not say some of them. He said he presented them, but did not say their width, so this indicates that he presented the names, not the names. And the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “O God, I ask you with every name that you have named yourself with, or that you have taught to anyone of your creation, or that you have kept secret in the knowledge of your unseen .< /p

If this supplication was recited before the revelation of Surat Al-Baqarah to him, then th

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The caliphate was only for Adam, peace be upon him, and not for any other race of the world, because God Almighty created him in his own image. The caliph must appear in what he appointed as caliph in the form of his caliph, otherwise he would not have a successor among them. So he gave him the command and the prohibition and called him the caliph and made the pledge of allegiance to him by hearing and obedience in the good and the bad, the hardship and the ease. God Almighty commanded His servants to obey God and His Messenger and to obey those in authority among them. So the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, combined the message and the caliphate, like David, peace be upon him. God stipulated his caliphate from God in the Almighty’s saying, “Then judge between the people with truth and the most beautiful caliphate of Adam, peace be upon him .”

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Not every messenger is a caliph. Whoever commands, forbids, punishes, pardons, and commands God to obey him, and these qualities are combined for him, is a caliph. And whoever communicates God’s command and prohibition and does not have from himself permission from God Almighty to command and forbid, then he is a messenger who conveys the messages of his Lord, and with this you have the difference between a messenger and a caliph.

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