The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And from no where to no where, between the from and to the back of the entire world, the lower and the upper, for the throne is a bearer, and the matter is determined and separated, and the world is virtuous and preferable, and the beds are a bed placed and permissible, not forbidden, in which nature rules, even if the law restricts it, even if not the eye, the restriction would not appear to be a ruling in the universe, so if the limits were removed, it would cease to exist. The restriction and there is no way for it to be removed. If it remains, its perfection is determined by it. The struggle is valid and the differentiation is clear. The Throne is a spread for the one who has settled upon it, and the matter began from Him, then it returns to Him without returning on its heels. Rather, it is on its going in his doctrine. There is no end then, so it returns, and there is no end to encompassing it, so it splits, and there is no goal beyond God, and He is the First. In the case of

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And from that is the secret of the two prophecies and what they had of the eye. From Chapter Fourteen, when the news of legislation ceased, the sublime news remained, for it pervades everyone. It is the inheritance of the saints among the prophets. They have glimpses, breaths, and whiffs. Ijtihad is an established law, and by it Al-Harith is called Al-Harith. Ijtihad is an authorized law for an imam whom he chooses. The resurrection continues. What remains is the inheritance, and this inherited money is not diminished by spending. Rather, he always spends it in hypocrisy. Its likeness is like a lamp that is not followed by morning. The sun has an appearance in the two surahs in both forms. It is with the moon light, and in itself is light. In its two states, morning and evening are determined, so it conceals itself by itself. If it makes the moon rise during the day, it is the caller, secretly and openly, to resurrect the universe with the nightly night. Al-Daji The name of the la

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And from that is the secret of extinguishing the light with the breath from Chapter 15. Since the speaker has the mood of emotion, the soul has the ability to extinguish and ignite. If it is extinguished, it dies, and if it is ignited, it revives. Then he is the one who laughed and cried, so the action is attributed to him, and the one who accepts it is not reliable. This is due to lack of fairness in fulfilling the descriptions, despite our knowledge that participation It is reasonable in the principles of the one who accepts help and does not ask him for help, for he is the unknown and known person, the one with taste hovers, and his ruling on the new and the ancient appears in the answer to the questioner. This is the meaning of our saying, the acceptor. If it were not for the soul of the Most Merciful, the entities would not have appeared. And if it were not for the acceptance of entities, they would not have been characterized by being, nor would the dawn have occurred if it

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Among that is the secret of the pegs and the abdals and their likening to mountains from Chapter 17. The spirits of the abdals, the notables of the possessions, from the luminaries of the seven spheres, and their parts, the zodiac, what they are characterized by in the places of ascension and their dwellings in the homes, what they encounter of calamities. Therefore, existence was divided upon them by misfortunes and good fortunes, so isolation, guardianship, impoverishment, and sufficiency, and the pegs are palliative because they are It is powerful, it has firmness and majesty, and with this glory and protection and the power of deterrence and repulsion, it must be made from it, spread, spread, and spread, so it attaches to the earth due to its compaction, and the movements of its spheres influence it. One of the most amazing sciences of men is what its doer is not named, such as the shaking of the earth and the crushing of the mountains, and they are evidence of the occurrence

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