The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Nothing else, that is called science, and the incidental matters resulting from the sciences also go back to these principles and are inseparable from them. Rather, they are called accidents because the custom in perceiving colors is that touch does not perceive them, but rather sight perceives them, so if a blind person perceives them by touch, he may We saw that, because the sense of touch is presented to it with what it would not normally perceive in reality, and similarly with all other methods, if it is presented to it to perceive what it would not normally perceive by means of it, it is said to have been presented to it.

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But God did this as a warning to us that there is no reality, as the theorists claim, in which divine power cannot be penetrated. Rather, that reality is only due to God making it in that form, and that it did not perceive the things whose perception is linked to it being sight or anything else. God says, but rather by making us. So He perceives all the sciences with one truth from these truths if the Truth wills. For this reason we say that it is presented to her to perceive what she would not normally perceive of it, so she knows with certainty that He is the Almighty, the Most High. And like it there are many things from all perceptions .

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And God Almighty did not deny that He perceived any of the powers He created except sight. He said, “Sight does not perceive it,” so He forbade that in Sharia law. And what He said, “Hearing, reason, or other powers described by man do not perceive it.” He also did not say that anything other than sight perceives it. Rather, He left the matter ambiguous and showed the contingencies. What is presented to these forces in the context of warning is that perhaps this was placed in our vision by someone to whom there is nothing like Him, just as we saw the first visible, heard the first audible, smelled the first smelled, tasted the first tasted, touched the first tangible, and our mind is the first intelligible of that which has no similarity with us, even though it has examples in the same way. The matter is, but in the primacy of perception there is a strange secret in the denial of similarity to it. The perceiver perceives someone who has no likeness to him and compares it to him, a

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Rather, we say that divine expansion requires that there is no likeness in existing entities and that likeness is a reasonable and imaginary matter. For if likeness were true, nothing would be distinguished from anything of what is said to be like it, for that is what distinguishes a thing from another thing. The eye of that thing, and what is not distinguished by it from anything else, is only one eye. If you say, “We see it as separated and separate,” this thing is separated from this one, despite the fact that it is similar to it in definition and reality. It is said to him, “You are the one who is mistaken,” for what the separation occurred with is what is expressed as being that eye and what did not occur with it. Separation is what you imagined to be a proverb, and this is one of the most obscure issues in this chapter, so there is no proverb at all, and it is not possible to deny proverbs, but with limits and nothing else. That is why the proverb was based on the universal,

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This is because the origin to which we return in our existence, which is God Almighty, there is nothing like Him, so what is found about Him can only be based on the fact that He has no equal. For how can He create something that does not give it its description and whose reality does not accept likeness? So every individual essence must be in The world does not accept an example. If you are of intelligence and heart, then there is no reality in God that accepts an example. If acceptance of an example existed in the world, its existence in that respect would be based on something other than a divine reality. Then there is no other being except God and there is no likeness to Him, for there is nothing in existence that has a likeness. Every existent is distinguished from others by a reality that it has in itself, and this is what gives it true divine revelation and knowledge. So if I apply proverbs to things as has been established, know that I use that by convention. God Almighty

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