The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

So that they may find an excuse in proving it. Whoever proves it by reason is a person of worship, and whoever proves it by reason is a polytheist, even if he is a believer. So, not every believer is united based on the witnessing insight that God has given him, and he has knowledge of the rank of what is permissible from the laws, and what they have defined with it that there is no reward in it and no burden is true, or is it true? No, is there a reward for his actions and omissions, and for what he sees of God’s actions and for what he rules about God, for there is nothing similar to them except the choice attributed to God. If it is not proven that there is a choice according to the definition of choice, then it is not proven here that it is permissible according to the definition of what is permissible, because it is what it is, and in it there is knowledge of what He knows. The created thing, and that it is limited and restricted, cannot be attributed to Him at all in knowled

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And in it is the knowledge of death in life and life in death, and who is the living who does not die, and the dead who does not live, and who dies and lives, and who does not die and does not live, and in it is the knowledge of the reason for the existence of denial in the world and why it relies on the divine presence, and whether what He said to His servant when what is attributed to him is what Among the things that he was forbidden to do appeared to him, and whatever evil befalls you is from yourself, a divine denial of the attribution of that action to God, and why it is called evil, while it is known, and His saying: “Those who enjoin what is good, which is to enjoin what is known to him, and forbid what is evil, which is to enjoin what is not known to him, which is indefinite.” Which does not recognize, and since the evildoer did what he was commanded to abandon or abandoned what he was commanded to do, and he is not described as having committed a sinful act until he know

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