The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The position is in his own right and as an education for us. Indeed, I am a human being like you, and he did not see for himself any superiority over us. Then he mentioned the rank, which is his saying, “It was revealed to me,” and there is no disagreement among rational people that whoever exalts in himself the honor of others is foolish and ignorant, since his honor is not in himself, and the matter is not so, so the rational person who is present The martyr does not see for himself an honor that he can be proud of over others like him.

You do not see that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said that he is the master of people on the Day of Resurrection, and there is no pride.

So he denied that he meant pride by that, then he mentioned the rank that he has. The pride that he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is an interpreter of it and a spokesman for it, so he mentioned the rank of intercession and the praiseworthy station. Pride is f

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His command does not depend on a command. If the divine command was stated on the tongue of the universe, it appeared in proverbs, so souls were proud to act under the commands of people like them, so they responded to the commands of truth, either out of ignorance that they were commands of truth, or in the knowledge that they were commands of truth, but mediation influenced them because the situation in it was reduced to His form is like water in vessels, except that if the one commanded has clear knowledge of his Lord, the one being commanded sees it. He is not able to find his eye unless the divine command that has influence is attached to it, so his place is prepared for the presence of the one commanded through him when he finds the truth in him. If he prepares his place, the truth will create for him, and it is said in the place that he is an obedient servant. To God in what He has commanded him to do, and the language of the situation and revelation says, “You have nothing

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The people of the witnesses denied it, especially since they are the ones who do not witness or see anything except that they saw God before it, as Al-Siddiq said about himself. As for the scholars, in this regard, they are on the ruling of truth in it .

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