The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Whoever is attributed to him, that is why we say about him that he is the Mother of the Book from which the revealed books came out, and tongues differed about him because he accepted them in his truth, so it was said about him that he is Arab, that he is Hebrew, and that he is Syriac according to the tongue in which he was revealed, and this is the essence of making in the Qur’an and the essence of the ascription of occurrence to him in his saying “what will come to them.” Whoever mentions from their Lord is something that has been brought about, then he is the one who brought about the coming, and what is coming is the same as the ejaculation, just as it is not the essence of “ja’l”, and “ja’” means creation and other than that, so whatever is attributed to the Qur’an regarding his saying “created” is under the rule of “ja’” which means creation, so there is no difference between his saying, “Then We made him a drop of sperm in a secure resting place” and his saying, “Indeed.” W

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And know that the realization of the existence of everything is due to Himself, and that is why He said: What you have will run out, for your rule is exhaustion, and what God has remains, for He has permanence. If I had something other than the same thing, what we have would not have been exhausted, because we are, and what we have is with God and what With God, we are eternal, and we and what we have are eternal. So it becomes clear to you that He has everything itself, and the meaning in the tongue is an adverb of place or a local adverb, like the body, for the color display that sight perceives. It is more evident in what you mean by its meaning, for it is in the manner of its place, and the possessor of the place is what it is in the manner of place, and the immanence is inclusive of both matters, and why not. It is possible, in necessary imitation, for someone to deny the existence of the one upon whom he relied. Therefore, it is acknowledged by those who are responsible for

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And know that when God created this creation, He made it His earth, so He described Himself as equal and descending to the heavens and disposing of all the direction of the universe as its Master. So wherever you turn, there is the Face of God, so turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque, for the ruling is not removed. Indeed, the Face of God is wherever you turn, but God has chosen for you what is yours. It is your happiness to turn to Him, but in a specific case, which is prayer and all other verses, God has not given you this restriction in them, so He combined restriction and freedom for you, just as He combined for Himself between exaltation and resemblance, saying: There is nothing like Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing, for the whole world is a smooth earth in which you do not see crookedness or deadness. Do you see that there is discrepancy? So restore sight, an Arabic Qur’an that is not crooked. And truth is an attribute of the world, because its attribute is

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Then, when He created from everything in pairs, He made it clear to us that on the earth of the world we find two people whose goal is you with a people, and we find with these people whose goal is the truth, as for other people .

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