The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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So turning to mercy for the sake of the basmalah is good news. As for Surat Al-Tawbah for the one who makes it a separate surah separate from Surat Al-Anfal, he called it Surat Al-Tawbah, which is the divine return to the servants with mercy and kindness. He said to those who are extravagant with themselves, and He did not single out the extravagant from the extravagant, O My servants who have been extravagant with themselves. Do not despair of the mercy of God, for God forgives all sins. If he said that the Most Merciful did not punish any of the transgressors, then when he mentioned the name God, the forgiveness may be before taking, or it may be after taking. Therefore, he concluded the verse by saying, “Indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Most Merciful,” so he brought the Most Merciful last, meaning their fate, even if they were taken to mercy. The divine return can only be through mercy. He does not return to His servants with anything other than that. If the return is in this w

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And know that a thing’s suitability for a matter is only an intrinsic quality, so no one else participates in it except to a large extent. If you achieve it, you will not remain firm and lose your foot in it.

As the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said in the Sahih, as for the people of Hell who are Its people are those who do not leave it completely because they are its people, for they neither die in it nor live.

So he made their description a negation of life and death, then he went on to describe those who entered it and what is among its people.

He said, “But there are people who were struck by the Fire because of their sins, so He killed them.” God causes death in it

So he described them with death, which is different from describing those who are worthy of it, then he mentioned the exit of these people from the Fire, so he became aware of the fact that the truth has made the entire world pronounce glorification with praise

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