The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

His notification to those who know God, so this proverb was given to them in action so that they might consider it as a passage to what was attributed to him of knowing the perfect human and knowing God for His existence in the form and His conditions changing in it due to the changing of the levels in which He appears. God Almighty said, “And We have ordained the moon as stations,” and He did not call it a full moon or a crescent, for in these two cases what It has only one status, or even two, so his saying “places” is true only in the moon, for the moon has a degree of lowering and lowering, and it has the ability to take increase and decrease in entering into the presence of the unseen and emerging into the presence of the witnessed. Then God Almighty described it as splitting due to the appearance of the perfect human being in the divine image, so it was a splitting of it. Its appearance is in two matters: the appearance of the splitting of the moon. On two parts


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And know that from knowledge through verification in form, absolute knowledge in terms of what is related to information is divided into two parts: knowledge that the universe takes from God by the path of piety, which is His saying, “If you fear God, He will make for you a criterion” and His saying about Al-Khidr, “And We have taught him knowledge from Us” and knowledge that God takes from the universe at His affliction of him with obligation is like His saying, “And We will certainly test you until We know.” If it were not for participation in the form, He would not have judged Himself as He ruled for His creation regarding the occurrence of the attachment of knowledge. If man appeared in the form of the Truth, he would have the rule of the Truth. The Truth was his hearing and his sight, so he heard with the truth, so that the heard would not miss him, and he would see with the truth, so the seeing would not miss him, as the seeing was not. Or existence, and if the truth appears

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