The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Related to the truth, we mean by the truth here what appears to the creation in lawful deeds, so the secret desires this truth because of what is included in it or revealed by it of the divine knowledge that is included in the legitimate rulings and is not revealed except by acting upon them, for the apparent is stronger than the hidden in ruling, that is, it is more general because the apparent has it. The position of creation, the truth, and the hidden has the position of the truth without creation, since the truth is not hidden from itself, and it is apparent to itself. Whoever knows that desires his secret in the truth, for God has linked the world with Him and declared about Himself that He has two lineages, in relation to the world through the proven divine names, the notables of the world, and in relation to His sufficiency from it, so who is the relation of His sufficiency. From Him He knows Himself and we do not know Him. So He did not conceal Himself from Himself, and fr

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Dread Fear of premeditation and fraud *** and of the threat of the truthfulness of the truthful informer

Evidence of this is shown by his hospitality *** The frightened and hasty monk

walks in blind, deep darkness *** the path of the suspicious and the path of the lover of the ruler.

Yusra was nervous with fear and his eyesight *** was afraid as he walked of suddenly striking .

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Dread among the people is said in terms of three aspects: dread of the fulfillment of the promise, dread of the overturning of knowledge, and dread of the fulfillment of the command of precedence. The first is that if the threat comes by way of news and the news is not included in abrogation, then it is established. The second is the overturning of knowledge, so God erases what He wills and confirms it, and the third is what changes the statement in my opinion. As for Absolute fear without restriction to any specific matter is every fear that causes the servant to be careful not to adhere to the limits of what has been prescribed for him, whether it is a divinely legislated rule or a divine ruling, as God Almighty said, and monasticism they invented, that is, they legislated it for themselves, as long as we imposed it on them in the beginning, so he considered it the truth and held them to not observe it, for God did not write it down. On them, except to seek the pleasure of God,

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Know that here is a joke that I am warning you about, and that is that it is impossible for a believer to commit a sin that God has threatened to do and then be terrified by it unless he finds in himself remorse for what he committed, and the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of God be upon him, said remorse is repentance

And remorse was carried out by it. He is repentant, so the ruling on the threat is dropped due to the occurrence of remorse, because the believer must hate the transgression and not be satisfied with it, and in the event that he commits it, then he is a hater of it, a believer that it is a sin, and he does good deeds, and he is a doer of it who does a bad deed, so his goal is to be one of those who mixed a good deed with another. It is bad, and God Almighty said as a result of this saying: Perhaps God will turn to them in repentance, and perhaps it is obligatory from God, and His return to them is only through forgiveness and He grants them regret for

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