The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The soul ends up with a specific word of words, and its essence appears after its meanings and its details after its generalization. If the benefit of speech is diminished by listening, and there is nothing in existence except God while He is speaking, so whoever hears, we say that it is not a condition for the hearer to be present, for he says to the non-existent in If it is non-existent, then the non-existent, when it comes to his proven hearing, is the word of God and His command to exist. Likewise, what is visible is the reason for seeing it, the permissibility of seeing it, existence, or even preparation and preparation, whether it is present or non-existent. The other answer is just as he spoke in terms of what is attributed to speech. He hears his speech from his being a hearer, and they are two different ratios. If you say The benefit of hearing speech is the attainment of knowledge while it knows itself. We said that all speech is fabricated for the attainment of w

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God Almighty said, “When you read the Qur’an, seek refuge in God,” and he , may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “And I seek refuge in You from you.”

He, may God bless him and grant him peace, warned him by saying, “And I seek refuge in You from You”

If the next one, I mean the one who remembers the Qur’an, is one over whom Satan has a way, then he must say, “I seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan,” so seek refuge with the Truth with the attributes of sanctification and purity it possesses. From what is attributed to him, which does not befit him, as God Almighty said about what the wrongdoers say: He is very high, and Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of Glory, so it is mentioned that the Lord of Glory seeks refuge from what they describe. He means what is described to Him, of what is not appropriate for His Majesty, such as companions, children, and equals. This is all divine protection, because it is His words, and as for seeking refuge in i

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The basmalah is your saying, “In the Name of God,” which to the servant is the word of the Presence of the Universe for formation, in the same position as the word “Presence” in his saying, “Be,” so the servant reacts with the Basmalah if what he reacts to “Be” is achieved by it. It is as if he is saying, “In the Name of God,” the appearance of the universe will take place. It is a report about a fact with which the truthfulness of the beloved is associated. The truth is his hearing and his tongue, so it will be about him what it is about “be,” which is his saying, “And you will blow into it, and it will become a bird by My permission, by My permission, connected to His saying, and you will blow and heal the blind and the leper, by My permission, and when you bring out the dead by My permission,” that is, by My command, when I was your tongue and your sight. Things were formed about you that are not possible for someone on whose tongue I do not say them, so the formation in bo

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It is the word “Be God’s glory” in forms that accept speech and speech in the order of the letters, just as He has glory in other things. We have mentioned it in the divine manifestation that Muslim included in the Sahih. God Almighty said: “Our speech about a thing is only when we intend it, so our speech is the fact that it is a speaker, that we say.” To him be, so be is the essence of what he spoke, so what was said to him “be” appeared from him, so he added formation to that which is neither to truth nor to power, but rather to a command, so the listener complied in the absence of a thing and his confirmation of the truth’s command with an affirmative hearing, so his command was his ability, and the commanded by the formation accepted his readiness, so the entities appeared in the soul of the Most Merciful, the appearance of the letters. In the human soul, the thing that is is only the specific image, such as the appearance of the image engraved in wood, or the image in of

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