The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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The Lord of all, the One, the Eternal, and we have exhausted ourselves in this chapter in our book called Divine Discretions in Reforming the Human Kingdom, so we refrained from completing this chapter here for fear of lengthening, and we also mentioned it in the interpretation of the Qur’an. Glory be to Him who is unique in raising His servants and obscures those of them who are obscured through intermediaries and left this chapter. For those who know his soul, its meaning is that the Lord is God, Glory be to Him, and that the worlds are the universal example. Therefore, He created a throne in the worlds on eight letters and established it with kindness, upbringing, tenderness, and merciful mercy, confirmed by the merciful, to distinguish the animal abode, according to the Almighty’s saying, “The Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful,” so He encompassed the Most Merciful and singled out the Most Merciful, so the Most Compassionate is in His world with the intermediaries and other

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So we impose the discussion in this verse on the definition of kingship and what it should be, and whether the soul will rise from the Day of Judgment to annihilation from it. So I say that kingship is the one for whom kingship is granted in the way of kingship, and the king prostrates to him, which is the spirit. When passion disputed with him and he sought help from the soul in it, the spirit resolved to kill the passion and prepared, so when The spirit emerged with the armies of monotheism and the highest assembly, and passion also emerged with the armies of desires, vanity, and the lower assembly. The spirit said to passion from me to you, and if I defeat you, then the people are mine, and if you triumph and defeat me, then the kingdom is yours, and the people shall not perish between us. The spirit and passion emerged, so the spirit killed him with the sword of nothingness, and he conquered the soul after reluctance from it and great effort, so it surrendered under His sword

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On the Day of Judgment, He will return him to his place and move him from the division of the Shari’a to the unity of monotheism and kingship in reality. He is the Most High God, the owner of all and its disposer of things, and He is the intercessor for himself in general and in particular, especially in this world and in general in the hereafter in some sense, and for this reason he preceded his saying “king.”

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On the Day of Judgment... The Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful, to soothe the hearts of those who are blocked from seeing the Lord of the Worlds. Do you not see him saying, “On the Day of Judgment, the angels and the prophets have interceded, and the believers have interceded,” and He remained the Most Merciful of the Merciful. He did not say, “And the Mighty and the Omnipotent remained” so that the soothing would occur before the action was found in their hearts. So whoever knows the meaning in this existence, it is valid for him to specialize. In the position of the Most Merciful, and whoever is ignorant of it in this existence, he enters into the common people in the Greater Resurrection and is manifested in the position of the Most Merciful, so the divisions are brought back together, and the hernia is a joint, and the intercession is a joint, with the intercession of the Most Merciful of the Merciful, from Hell on the outside of the wall to Heaven on the inside. So if the wa

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In his saying, may He be glorified and sanctified, “Thee we worship, and Thee we seek help”

When his existence is proven by praise be to God, his nourishment by the Lord of the Worlds, his selection by the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, and his glorification by a kingdom

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On the Day of Judgment, he wanted to emphasize the repetition of thanks and praise, out of a desire for more. He said, “Thee are we to worship, and to Thee are we to seek help.” This is the place of gratitude, meaning to You we acknowledge servitude and seek refuge alone, with no partner. You have no partner, and to You we seek refuge in seeking help, not to anyone other than You. To those whom You have sent down from me, I am in the same position as you, for I provide them with you, not myself, for you are the extender, not I, and I remain steadfast. In this verse, the partner is denied.

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So the yā’ of Beware of You, the All-Abd, was confined between two thousand and two thousand monotheisms so that it would not have a place to claim a vision other than it, so monotheism surrounded it, and the kāf is the pronoun of truth, so the kāf and the two thousand are one thing, so they are the meaning of the essence. Then we used to worship the attribute of the verb yā’ with the pronoun that is in it, and the servant is the verb of the truth.

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