The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The message in this world has been cut off*** in our time for what came in the news

Its ruling in this world and the hereafter has passed *** and it has no effect on the existence of the eye

If it were not for the costs, its owner would not have been singled out *** for Other than it, for the existence of revelation and consideration

Bees are always inspired forever *** until the resurrection in dwelling and in fruitfulness

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Message is an intermediate universal attribute between a sender and an addressee. The addressee may be expressed in a message, and the message may be the state of the Messenger. In general, it is not a position, but rather it is a relative state, and it ceases with the cessation of communicating the action, and its ruling ceases with the cessation of conveying. God Almighty said, “The Messenger has no obligation but to deliver the message, and He made it obligatory for him to do so, so He said, ‘O.’” O Messenger, convey what has been sent down to you from your Lord, and if you do not do so, then you have not conveyed his message. The message here is the one with which he was sent and conveyed, and thus it appears in the Qur’an wherever it appears. The Messenger does not accept it except through the mediation of a trustworthy holy spirit who brings the message down to his heart. Sometimes the angel appears to him as a man, and every revelation is not in this capacity.

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The difference between the Prophet and the Messenger is that if the Spirit delivers to him what we have mentioned, he restricts that ruling to himself specifically, and it is forbidden for him to follow anyone else. This is the Prophet, and if it is said to him, “Convey what has been revealed to you,” either to a specific group like the rest of the Prophets, or to the general public, and that was only for Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. May God bless him and grant him peace, and no one else had before him, so he was called in this way a messenger, and the one who brought him a message and what he singled out for judgment in himself and forbade that judgment to others is a prophet despite his being a messenger, and if he does not specify in himself a judgment that does not belong to those to whom he was sent, then he is a messenger, not a prophet, and I mean prophecy. Laws that are not for the saints. Every messenger who is not specific to any ruling regarding hims

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Then the heirs are the followers who were commanded to convey the message, such as Muadh, Ali, and Dihya, messengers of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. Every latecomer is still commanded to convey the message, from those who were commanded to convey the message, continuing on the road, commanded after a commanded person, to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. He is called a messenger, but what is the message that was interrupted? The message that was interrupted is the divine ruling descending on the human heart through the mediation of the spirit, as we have stated. That is the door that was blocked, and the message and prophecy that were interrupted. As for casting anything other than legislation, it is not forbidden, nor are the divine definitions of the validity or corruption of the established ruling not interrupted. Likewise, the Qur’an descending on the hearts of the saints has not been interrupted despite it being prese

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It was mentioned on the authority of Abu Yazid that he did not die until he memorized the Qur’an by heart, i.e. he took it from revelation, and he is the one who alerted the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, regarding those who memorized the Qur’an. In this way, it means that prophecy was inserted between his sides and he did not say it in his chest. This is the meaning of memorizing the Qur’an, i.e. he took it from the back, so he has something like this. The revelation continues for whomever of His servants God wills, but according to this adjective and attribute, which is the Almighty’s saying, “He casts the Spirit from His command upon whomever He wills of His servants .”

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Messengers are givers of good tidings and warners, and the heirs are warners in particular. They are not given good tidings, but they are given good tidings. It is an active noun. If a guardian gives good tidings to someone about happiness, then it does not fall under this heading. Rather, the good news in that is the appointment of the happy one, and the good tidings of the prophets are related to the lawful action, which is that whoever does such and such will have such and such in Paradise or God will save him from Hell for doing such and such is only for messengers. The guardian has no entry into it, and he has the right to give the designation of happy, not in terms of work. He says of the disbeliever in his state of disbelief that he is happy, and of the believer in his state of faith that he is miserable, so he concludes for each one with the reason for his happiness or misery in confirmation of this statement of the guardian. The saints remained from the prophecy of inform

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And it has the letters Ya, the vowel, and it has the claim and the verses, and its owner is responsible, and it is his to reveal at times, which is his saying: Do not move your tongue with it to hasten it, and if she descends from the throne, then if she returns, she does not go beyond the Sidra al-Muntaha, and the message descends with meanings and returns to the Sidra, images created by the servant, creating, and this has its name. The Creator who gave, and its ascension is bright and uplifting, but from the heavens and the leader of its spirits who descend there is Gabriel, who is the teacher of the messengers and he is entrusted with this position, and what is imagined for this position is abrogated, but the persons differ and each person goes on in it for a specified time, and that is why he came and the messengers are customary, and he said, “Our messengers are successive.”

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