The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Possible things that have no existence except through God, so none of them should be left out because each of them is connected to a divine reality that preserves it. It has been proven that possible things are not infinite, so the divine truths and proportions are infinite, and it is not right for there to be differentiation in the divine things, because the thing is He does not prefer himself and there is no comparison in these entities except with what they are attributed to, because they have no preference in themselves and no comparison there, so there is no comparison here. Just as He is the First, so is the Last, so is the First, inanimate Mind, and just as the Manifest is the Inward, so is the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed.

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There is nothing then trivial or contemptible, for all are the rituals of God, and whoever honors the rituals of God, they are from the piety of hearts. There are benefits for you in them for an appointed time, for the time when you consider them in your souls. The appointed term is that He reveals to you that you are what you are, since from its reality is non-existence, so existence is His. If it becomes clear to you that you are what you are, which is the designated term, then its place, which is its place, is to the ancient Bayt, which is the ancient one that does not accept occurrence, and you saw that the attribute seeks its description, so you have ceased to be the symbols of God, and the truth has become evidence of itself, since it is impossible for anything to indicate something. Something is an indication of certain knowledge, so there is nothing more indicative of itself than a thing, and for this reason, if you specify the apparent matter, you reject it as ambiguous,

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And if the matter is as we mentioned, then he should not be ashamed, then there is no shame or judgment for him. Rather, he gives proverbs, establishes forms, and teaches to whom he addresses and who understands from whom he does not understand, and for every understanding. If the listener found something more hidden than a mosquito, he would bring it as he has mentioned it in a nutshell with his saying and what is above it. So He commanded and taught you in this verse that you should not leave anything without attributing it to God, and that the insignificance of that thing nor the blameworthiness attached to it, according to custom and law, should not prevent you in your contract. Then you should stop at generality, so do not apply what is in the contract to everything, nor in any case stop at Whatever the Lawgiver tells you, stand by it, for that is the divine etiquette brought by the Sharia, and etiquette is the intercourse of goodness, and in the use of words, modesty is used

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Abd al-Hawa abstains from the possession of his master *** and does not depart from it, for he is lost.

He is free from the kingship of all universes *** and he has no money or prestige

If he is subjected to creation, he will nullify what *** had its origin in The king of his master

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Know, may God grant you success, that freedom is an intrinsic, not a divine, position that cannot be redeemed for the slave at all. For he is a servant of God, a bondage that does not accept emancipation. We have made it permissible for the Right to be a god due to his connection to the divine, the connection of sovereignty with the existence of the slave, the owner with the king, and the king with the king. Look at his saying, “If He wills, He can take you away... and come.” With others, so he warned of the coming of other people based on this connection, because from the reality of addition, reason and existence, it is necessary to imagine the two hosts, so there is no freedom with addition, and godliness and divinity are addition, and since there is no correspondence between truth and creation, nor is there addition, rather He is the One who is independent of the worlds, and that does not exist for an existing essence except for the essence of truth, so neither the universe nor

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If the servant wants to realize this status, then it is a status of realization, not a status of creation. He considers that this is not valid for him except with the disappearance of the lack that accompanies his ability. He sees that divine jealousy requires that no one be characterized by existence except God due to the claim that existence requires. So he knew with this view that the relation of existence to What is possible is impossible because jealousy is a limit that prevents that, so he looked into his eyes and saw that he was non-existent and had no existence, and that non-existence had a psychological description, and existence did not occur to him in his mind, so the lack was removed and he remained free in his non-existence, the freedom of the self in its existence.

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Then he wanted to know what was appropriate for the divine names that belong to this essence, from the essence of the non-existent possible, so he saw that each of the eyes of the possible is ready and not in any other, so that distinction can be made between the entities, so what happened between the essence of the possible and the essence of truth, with existence for the necessary truth and non-existence for the necessary potential, so he made These preparations for him are like the names of the truth and existence in the particular entities of God Almighty, so if He appears in an entity of the essence of possible entities for Himself in the name of some of the divine names, the preparation of that entity gives Him a name that occurs and is called

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