The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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What belongs to God belongs to God, and what the universe says are the servant’s own regarding existential matters, he also leaves to God, based on the fact that he leaves what is God’s unanimously from every soul to God, for he has truly been ashamed before God.

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And whoever abandons what belongs to God specifically for God’s sake, then he has become ashamed before God, but there is no right to modesty. This is because the adjectives with which the Truth has described itself are called narrations of simile and verses of simile, according to what the graphic scholars claim, and that it is a divine revelation of mercy to the servants and divine kindness, and with us it is a real adjective that should only be used. God Almighty, and that in the servant there is a borrowing like all the other names that he creates, for he is the best of schemers, and God mocks those who mock among His servants with mockery and deceit that is His from where they do not perceive, and He does not describe Himself with accidents, so this indicates that these epithets are by virtue of authenticity to God, and they did not appear in the divine servant except because he was created in the image. From all angles, when the knowers knew this and saw His Almighty’s sayin

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As for

His saying, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, regarding modesty: It only brings goodness

It is a correct and truthful word, for staying on the basic principle only brings goodness, for it is not accompanied by a claim, so it is capable of every adjective. My God, the Truth wants Him to be described with it, and there is no opposition to it that will repel it, and there is no opposite to repel it, so the Truth remains doing what it wants without opposition or dispute. As for describing the Truth with it, it is his letting the servant be characterized by the attributes of the Truth and hand them over to him and not shame him in them, but rather believe him and raise his rank with them and do not deny him in his claims, for this is his glory. Since the truth is alive

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It was reported in the news that an old man on the Day of Resurrection will say to him, “O my servant, you did such and such for things that he should not have done.” He will say, “O Lord, you did not do that,” and he already did it. Then he says, “The truth is, take him to Paradise.” Then the angels that counted his deeds will say, “O our Lord, do you not know?” He did such-and-such, and he says, “Yes, but when he denied it, I was ashamed of him to deny his gray hair.

If the truth is ashamed of the servant to deny his gray hair and respect him, then the servant with this characteristic is more worthy .

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Modesty has degrees among those who know and among those who are to blame. Its degrees among those who know are fifty-one degrees and among those who are to blame are twenty degrees. And God speaks the truth and He guides the path. End of Part One and One Hundred.

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Since modesty is an attribute attributed to faith, it is part of the essence of faith. Its effect is on the appearance of a person’s image in the face, since the face is the essence of the thing, its essence, and its reality .

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Modesty is divided just as

Faith is divided into seventy-few branches, the highest of which is: There is no god but God, and the lowest is removing harm from the path.

The connection between the high and the low is that polytheism is a harm on the path to monotheism, removing it from the rational evidence. And the legitimate revelations of what made it on the path of monotheism are misleading similarities and satanic desires

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The image of the modesty that recognizes the one who is monotheistic and removes harm from the path of creation is his utterance of the denial of God before he arrives at his affirmation to the one who deserves it, which is his saying, “There is no god,” and the denial is not the occurrence of modesty on the part of the believing servant, since he began with nothingness, and it is the same because the innovator described it before the state of nothingness preceded him, then he took advantage of it. Existence, which is in the position of affirmation, would not have been negated, and the hadith would not have been able to say anything other than this, because nothingness is valid after existence, nor is negation after affirmation. If the truth had initially become clear to him, he would not have denied it in the partner, because he would have seen it with his own eyes if it had existence, and if it had no existence, then it would be. When the view of the monotheist came upon the exi

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