The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Know, may God grant you success, that God told about His Prophet and Messenger, peace be upon him, in his book, that he said, “Indeed, my Lord is on a straight path,” so he described himself as being on a straight path, and what was the error of this Messenger in this saying? Then he did not say that until after he said, “There is no living creature but Him.” Taking by its forelock, then there is only one who is upright upon the truth on the path of the Lord, because there is nothing then except from the truth, taking hold of its forelock, and it is not possible for his forelock to be removed from the hand of his master while he is on a straight path. He denounced the word “animated,” so he is blind, so where is the crookedness until you turn away from it? This is reparation and this is uprightness. So God helps us to reveal all wisdom. In its place, it is there that God’s care for His servant appears .

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For each of you We have appointed a law and a course of action, and these are the provisions of the method that are in His saying, “A course,” for they are all bound by God’s designation. So whoever walks in a path other than the path that God has appointed for him to walk on, he has deviated from the straight path that God has appointed for him to walk on, just as that other person would if he abandoned his path that God prescribed for him to walk. God has the right to walk on it and follow this path. We called him “deviant from the path of God,” and all in relation to one and the same person are on a straight path in what He has prescribed for him .

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That is why the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, wrote a line and wrote lines on both sides of that line, so that line was his law and method with which he was sent, and it was said to him, “Tell your nation to follow it and not depart from it.” And those lines were the laws of the prophets that preceded him and the laws of wisdom that were established. Then he put his hand on the line. He recited, “This is my path, straight,” so he added it to it. He did not say “God’s path,” and described it as straight. He did not mention those lines, but rather remained silent about them. Then he said, “So follow him.” The pronoun refers to his path, and do not follow the paths. He means the laws of those who preceded him and their approaches insofar as they are laws for them, unless a ruling from them is found in a law, then follow it. In terms of what it is a law for us, not in terms of what it was a law for them, so he separated you from his path, meaning those laws

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And it is his saying that those who said, “From what law it was, if it has time and time, our Lord God,” and then they remain steadfast on their path that God has legislated for them to walk on, the angels will descend upon them, and this descent is general prophecy, not prophecy of legislation descending upon them through human beings. Do not be afraid and do not be sad, for you are on the path. Then those angels who brought good tidings said to them: We are your guardians in the life of this world, that is, we were helping you in the life of this world at a time when Satan was throwing his word to you to turn away from the path that he had prescribed for you to walk on, so we were helping you on it with the word that you found in the time of hesitation between the two thoughts. Will he do that? Or will it not be that we are the ones who bring that to you in response to the enemy’s attack? We are also your guardians in the Hereafter by bearing witness to you that you used to take

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What do you call for humility as a revelation from the Forgiving and Merciful with our testimony and our intercession wherever He accepted it, so God made you happy with it, so He covered you under His protection and brought you into His mercy. This is the meaning of uprightness related to salvation.

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As for the uprightness that God’s wisdom requires, it is valid in every universe. God Almighty said, confirming Moses, peace be upon him, He gave everything its creation, so everything is in an established uprightness. The uprightness of a plant is that its movement is reversed, and the uprightness of an animal is that its movement is horizontal, even if it is not like that. He did not benefit from either of them, because if the movement of the plant was not reversed until it drank the water by its roots, it would not give a benefit, since it has no strength except that way. Likewise, if the animal’s movement was to rise and stand on two legs like us, it would not be given the benefit of riding and carrying weights on its back, nor would it obtain the benefit that comes from movement. Horizontal, so its straightness is what it was created for, so it is the significant movement through which the desired benefit occurs. Otherwise, plants and animals have movement to the height, whic

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The speakers in this art are not free, and the talk is about the reality of these movements. The movement in the middle is straight because it gives it its reality, like the movement of the earth and the movement of the ball, and the movement from the middle is the movement of ascension, and the movement to the middle is the movement of descent, so the movement of descent is royal and divine, and the movement of ascension is a human movement, and all of them are straight, so there is nothing but straightness. There is no way to violate, for the violation is

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