The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The servant is his Lord, and he does not know himself or his relation to the world, so he cannot imagine the existence of this supervision, because it depends on knowledge of the essence of the observer, with the opening of the qāf. And then another group said that this supervision is valid, for the law has specified as it should be for His Majesty, for He is with us wherever we are, and He is stationed on the Throne, and He is in The earth knows our secrets and our loudness, and He is also in the sky and descends to it. He is apparent in the eyes of every manifestation of the possible. We have known this much of Him, so we observe Him to this extent. Our observation of things is the same as our observation of Him, because He is apparent from everything. Among the people are those who say, “I did not see anything except that I saw God.” Before it means monitoring, and another after it, and another with it, or another in it, so such people correct this monitoring.

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The second observation is the observation of modesty when he says, “Does he not know that God sees?” So he is observing his vision and it is observing him, so he is observing the observation of the truth to Him. This is the observation of observation and it is lawful.

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The third observation is that he observes his heart and soul, both external and internal, to see the traces of his Lord in them, so he acts in accordance with what he sees of the effects of his Lord. Likewise, in the beings outside of him, he observes them in order to see the traces of his Lord in them, and this is His saying, “We will show them Our signs in the horizons and in their souls,” and this monitoring is related to the truth, as there is no doer except Him. The right

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Watching is constant observance such that it does not include a time in which the servant is not being watched. So know that and realize it. You learn the affairs of your Lord within yourself and what your sight perceives of existents and what your thought and mind reach and what you witness in your watching and what you see of the unseen in your universe or wherever He is and from here. Know your thoughts, and for control, the legal scales have come, which are five scales of obligation, recommendation, permissibility, prohibition, and hatred.

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Observance has degrees among the knowers of the masters of humanity and connection, and its amount is seven hundred and seventy-four degrees, and among the masters of literature among the knowers it is three hundred and seventy-nine degrees, and among the masters of humanity among the knowers it is seven hundred and forty-three degrees, and among the learned men it is three hundred and forty-eight degrees, and it has a lineage to the worlds, including them. To the world of kings there are two ascriptions, and to the world of the kingdom there is one ascription according to the scholars of both sects, and three ascriptions according to the people of humanity to the world of tyranny .

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And know that God Almighty informed me on the night of my restriction of this chapter about a matter that I did not know about an incident that happened to me in Barzakhiya, in which I was told, “Did you not hear that this world is Umm Raqub?” I said, “Yes,” and I was told, “So make a chapter for it in this chapter,” so I sought help from God for that .


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The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said that the world has children.

If she has children, she is a mother to these children. It is the mother’s habit to watch over her children because she is their nurturer, and she has maternal affection for them and caution over them if she influences them. It is harmful to her and it is the Hereafter, so they incline to it, so she protects them from witnessing the goodness of the Hereafter, so her monitoring of their conditions becomes more intense .

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Then you will know that the world is the first abode that is closest to us, in which we grew up, and we have not seen anything other than it. It is what is witnessed, it is the protector of us, and it is merciful to us. In it we performed deeds that bring us closer to God, and in it the laws of God appeared, and it is the abode that brings together all the divine names, so the rewards of Paradise and the pains of the Fire appeared in it, so in it is wellness and sickness, and in it is the universal abode of all divine names. Happiness and sadness, and there is secret and openness in it, and there is no matter in the Hereafter except that there is an example of it in it, which is the obedient wish to God, which God has entrusted to His servants for them to give to them, and this is what made her monitor the conditions of her children. What they will do with those trusts that she gave to them. Will they treat her in a way that every trust deserves for what it was placed for? For amo

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Some of the temperaments of the sons, who are like a spot for water and the containers of what is placed in it, affect the temperament of that spot in the water. All water is good and fresh in its origin, which is rain. If it occurs in spots on the earth, and the spots are different in temperament, the sweetness appears in the good temperament, thus keeping it in its original form, as it was stated, pure. Clean, and it added to his good temperament and sweetness in excess of what it was, which was the bright water, and another spot made it salty, and another spot made it bitter, so it affected the pure state. These vessels and the law are only attached to the actions of the children, not to the mother. Rather, he said, and to the parents, be kind to them, and according to what he said, do not say to them “f-fuck” and do not rebuke them. Say to them a generous word, and lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy, and say, “My Lord, have mercy on them as they raised me when I w

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