The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

It is possible that we relied on him in this by designation and we believed him because it is based on evidence and theoretical knowledge, so he knew of his truthfulness, so our calmness and not being disturbed when we lose the reasons is due to our belief in his guarantee. If we remained with knowledge, we would be disturbed. If the knower is calm, then it is from the fact that he is a believer, and his being a believer is from the fact that he knows about the truthfulness of the guarantor. < /p >

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And the realization of agency, who deserves it? Is it God or is the world, or does God have a share in it and the world has a share? Know that agency is not valid except in the case of a client in it, and that the client in it is a matter that belongs to the client and no one else, so he appoints an agent in it and disposes of what the client has the right to dispose of in absolute terms. Whoever considers that things are With the exception of man, I was created for man, everything had an interest in it that he sought in himself as his own, and when he was ignorant of the interests of himself and his interests, including his happiness, he feared mishandling of that, and it was stated in what God revealed to Moses, O son of Adam, I created things for you and I created you for my sake.

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He said, “Since He created things for my sake, He created only what is good for me, and I am ignorant of the benefit that is in using them for my salvation and happiness. Let us entrust Him with my affairs, for He knows best what is good for me. Just as He created them, He is more deserving of disposing of them. This is required by my sight and reason, without this being coupled with a divine command.” So how, when the divine command was mentioned in him and he said, “There is no god but Him,” so he took him as an agent. He pointed out in this matter that it is not appropriate to delegate except to one who is a god, because he knows the interests, since he is their creator, as he said, “Does He not know who He created, and He is the Gentle, the All-Aware,” so the knowledgeable believer took him as an agent and handed over his affairs to him, and placed their reins in his hand. As it is in the matter itself, he did not add anything to what was commanded upon him in existence, and G

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The second commentator is to say that God did not create things for the sake of things, but rather He created them so that every kind of possible things might glorify Him with the prayer and glorification appropriate to Him, so that His greatness would spread throughout all universes and all kinds of possible things, their types, and their persons. So he said, “Everyone has learned his prayer and glorification,” and he said, “And there is nothing but He glorifies His praise, for all belong to Him, the Almighty, a king. And if the matter is like this and no one was created in the divine image except us, and He describes Himself as unseen from things, and He lowers the veil between them and us realizing Him, then He perceives them and they do not perceive Him because they do not know Him. So He appointed man as a caliph, and He is the steward, and He said, “And spend from that which has made you left behind in it, so He limits us in stewardship.” Things we do not transgress, so what

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According to the first view, the entire Qur’an came, for it only said, “Put your trust,” and the trustworthy said, so the first view prevailed, which is that we take an agent in what is best for us, not in things, so he combines the two views, and it is a third case that we witnessed and we did not see it for anyone of our method, so we said that He created things for Him, not for us, and He gave it. He created everything, and from us He created our lack of what would benefit us, as we were in this world and the hereafter, and we do not know our way to what is best for us, because He did not create things for us, so we entrusted Him to make fun of these things for us, whatever He saw as being beneficial for us, out of gratitude to Him and compliance with His command, so in our trust in Him, we will be commanded slaves. By obeying his command, we hope for his goodness, so trust is in the interests of interests, not in the essence of things, and this is a delicate isthmus that not e

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Among the men who are described in this position are those who are in the hands of God in it, like a dead person in the hands of the washer. He turns him around as he pleases and does not object to him in anything. Among them are those whose condition in it is the condition of a slave with his master in his master’s money, and among them are those whose condition in it is the condition of a son in it with his father in his child’s money. Some of them are in the same situation as an agent with his client, whether or not it is.

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And what the investigators have said and by which we say that trust is not valid in man at all based on perfection, because natural lack is by virtue of his essence in him, and man is a compound of a natural and divine command, and since the truth knew that he is at this limit, he commanded trust and was not commanded except that it is possible to be characterized by it, and he described it. Himself with zeal for divinity, so He established Himself as the position of everything in His creation, since He lacks Him in every way and in every situation. He said, “O people, and it does not single out a believer or anyone else. You are the ones who are in need of God, and God is the Rich, the Praiseworthy. Whatever you lack of things is ours and in our hands and what is ours.” Whatever he asks for except from us, the need belongs to us, not to him, since he is not independent except from us.

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Let trust have conditions in which it is correct to describe it, by which it is called trust. I was told on the authority of one of the people of God’s path that he said, “With what we have indicated in this matter, we have died, and we have not smelled a scent for this trust, because it requires its application to all, due to the natural lack that is in it, and trust is a position that cannot be separated except by metaphor, and we are worthy of it.”

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