The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The perfecter, who is the groom of a nation, looks at what is in their best interests, as he said about his Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and praises him with it. He is keen on you, so he praised him for his eagerness for what would make his nation happy, his gluttony, and his eagerness for his uncle Abu Talib’s conversion to Islam until he said to him, “Say it in my ear so that I may bear witness to it.”

Because he knows that his testimony is accepted and his words are heard, the perfect representative of God among His servants knows the calamities of time that will resume, so he prepares for them, regardless of the matter from which he had knowledge of their occurrence. So he who has no knowledge imagines that he has striven for his own rights, but this is not the case, and it is so, for he is boasting. Nations with followers from his nation, so he was asking for a large number of believers .

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But for this evil, the two conditions must be present: knowledge and divine command, which is the greatest condition. As for knowledge, even if it is a condition, it is a weak condition. It is not required except for someone who claims that he is saving for the benefit of others, then he takes from that saved for the benefit of himself, and it is said to him: Did God inform you of who He has this savings with you. Have you seen that he does not reach them except through your hand? If he says yes, the savings will be handed over to him, and if he says no, it will be said to him, “Your care is not based on a proven principle of its validity, so it is defective.” If it is said, “A group of people said, ‘Whoever’s trust in himself is valid, his trust in others is valid.’” We said this. It is true, and this does not contradict the state of this person who is keen on earning and saving and competing with the children of the world who do not have trust in them, for trust is an inner matt

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This is why evil and keenness are ranked among the knowers, whether they are among the people of etiquette and standing or among the people of humanity and connection, eight hundred and sixty-five degrees, and in the case of blame, whether the person to blame is among the people of humanity and connection or among the people of etiquette and standing, eight hundred and three degrees, and if the knowers are among the people of secrets, then they have Of the ranks are one thousand five hundred and thirty-five degrees, and if they are from the People of Lights, they have eight hundred and sixty-five degrees, and if the culprits are from the People of Secrets, they have one thousand four hundred and seventy-three degrees, and if they are from the People of Lights, they have eight hundred and three degrees .

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It is a divine attribute, for it says: We hasten for him in it whatever We will for whomever We want. Likewise, greed is also a divine attribute, and it is what requires it.

God’s saying to His angels regarding those quarreling, “Wait on these two until they come to terms.

And subjugating the angels in The right of the believers to seek forgiveness and pray for them, this is its fruit, even if it is not mentioned verbally, then these matters are of two types, some of which are those whose names have been used to refer to the Divine Majesty, and some of which have been found traces of which have not been given a name, and some of which have been attributed to the action that is part of them but have not been given by him. A name, and some of it was given a name to it in a group by implication, such as the one to which the verb was attributed and the noun was not used, His saying, “God mocks them” and His saying, “God mocks them,” and the same as the one to which th

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Whoever takes the Lord of servants as a representative *** takes the path and is more upright in speech

Indeed, he in whom he entrusts his Lord *** The servant of God compares the revelation

O seeker of what he does not know what is his *** Do not take anyone other than God as your agent < /p>

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Trust is the dependence of the heart on God Almighty, while not being disturbed when we lose the means placed in the world that souls would rely on. If it is disturbed, then he is not trustworthy

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It is one of the characteristics of the believers, so what do you think of the learned among the believers? If trust is only due to the scholar because he is a believer, just as God has restricted him to it, and He has not restricted it in vain. If it were one of the attributes of the learned and theoretical knowledge requires it, he would not have restricted it to faith, so trust does not fall in the form of participation by a non-believer in any Sharia. The reason for this was that God Almighty does not obligate anything to him rationally except what He has made obligatory upon Himself, so He accepts it as faith, not as knowledge, for He does what He wills. Then when He guaranteed what He guaranteed, He declared that He would do something.

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