The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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The false ones leaned towards nothingness and favored it over existence. They described as the universe that which does not exist, and God made it on the tongue of His Messenger one of the major sins because the meaning of their words is nothing but nothingness. Despite all of this, if someone who is of the people of God’s path is able to expose, not declare, so that what he wants is understood from it if he knows. If there is a religious benefit in doing so, let him do it. It is better, and the purpose will be achieved, and the tongue will fulfill what it was required to do, without obscenity in logic. This is all as long as he is called a believer. But if this person is in the position of one whose hearing, sight, and tongue are true, then his condition is different from the condition of a believer, even though he is among the people of faith.

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And know that God Almighty did not create a disease except that He created a cure for it. Medicines are of two types: common medicine, which is what everyone is able to administer. The other medicine is royal medicine, which is what only kings and the rich can administer due to its preciousness and high price. Only those who have money and authority can administer it, and so on. Medicines are medical people and they have come across the truth in that. As for the general beneficial medicine that is within the power of everyone, whether rich, poor, lowly, or kings, from the disease of all sins and transgressions, it is repentance and pleasing the opponents among its conditions, from what he is able to do of that and the Lawgiver appointed for it, if that disease is one with which the opponents should be satisfied. If it is something that is not appropriate, then he repents and his opponent is not satisfied, because if he pleases him, he may fall into something more forbidden than wh

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As for the royal medicine, only those who know and are masters of the men of God use it, and they are the ones whose hearing, sight, and tongue are the truth. This is his statement following his statement. And do not backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother, and you disliked him? This is a general speech. Then he said, “And fear God. This is the medicine.” Nah they took it It is a protection between you and these reprehensible matters from which backbiting occurs. If you take it as a paradise, the arrows of these deeds will befall this paradise, and it is strong, and these arrows will not penetrate it, so the one who fears it will be protected by it, and the right will not be a protection for the servant until the servant is clothed with it, just as the one who is fearful is clothed with the jinn of strong armor and other things, and the form of his wearing it is to be The truth is his hearing, his tongue, and all his faculties and limbs, if

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So God alerted in His Book to these evils of the Sultanate’s monarchy, such as God Almighty’s saying, “And he inspired her with her immorality and backbiting from immorality and her piety,” meaning the one who takes it as a protection against this immorality and did not make immorality one of its characteristics, but rather made it attributed to her from the one who inspired her, as he supported this by saying, “So whoever’s evil deeds are made beautiful to him.” He saw it as beautiful, so he did not assign beautification to it. Rather, He said, “We have made their deeds pleasing to them,” and He said, “Satan has made their deeds beautify for them, and has turned them away from the path.” And when He added beautification to it, glory be to Him, He said, “They are blinded,” meaning they are confused, and confusion is one of the characteristics of the great. The confusion in something like this is that the matter in finding it is for the inspired and adorned and the inspired and ado

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Whoever denotes backbiting that deserves to be backbiting to testimony has sinned, and that is why he added backbiting to us, saying, “And do not backbite one another,” so we made one origin with roots, for the part and the detail only refer to the whole. We did not depart from us, nor did we fall into anything other than us, so the matter was made more difficult for us in that, for the killer is himself. Paradise was forbidden to him, and it is a covering thing, for a thing cannot be hidden from itself, and whoever is mentioned as absent has become a witness, his estrangement from his homeland, and the death of a stranger is a witness.

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The backbiter is a doer of goodness towards the one he backbites, and if he hates that, then there is a benefit in him, like a person who drinks medicine. Perhaps you hate something and it is good for you. If he is an unintentional doer of goodness, then he is one of those who God bestowed good on Zaid at his hands, so his reward will be the reward of one who succeeds in doing good deeds. Not intentionally against the one who backbited him, but that was intended for the one who inspired him to do so and called it immorality against him, so God will reconcile on the Day of Resurrection among His servants because of what the oppressed person sees of the good that has reached him at the hands of his brother, and he thanks him for that and they will both be happy. In the authentic report, fear God and make peace among yourselves, for God will reconcile between His servants. On the Day of Resurrection, backbiting, even if it is reprehensible, is from that perspective praiseworthy in th

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