The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Like something like it, every mind to which nothing of this knowledge has been revealed asks another mind to which it has been revealed. It is not within the power of that responsible mind to express it, nor is it possible. That is why Al-Siddiq said: The inability to comprehend perception is realization, and this speech has two levels, so understand. So whoever seeks God. With his mind through his thought and consideration, he is lost. Rather, it is enough for him to prepare to accept what God gives him of that, so understand. As for the memory power, there is no way to realize knowledge of God, for it only remembers what the mind had before it knew it, then it neglected or forgot, and he did not know it, so there is no way for the power to remember it, and man’s perceptions are limited to what He is a human being, and what his self gives him, and he has gain in it, and all that remains is to prepare the mind to accept what the Truth gives him of his knowledge, the Almighty, so h

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What is supported by what we have mentioned is that natural things do not accept nourishment except from their problems, but as for what does not cause problems with them, they do not accept nourishment from them absolutely. An example of this is that the generators of minerals, plants, and animals are composed of the four natures, and the generators do not accept nourishment except from them, because they contain a share of them, even if they are harmful. No one of creation could provide nourishment for his body, which is composed of these natures, from something other than these natures, or what is composed of them. Just as it is not possible for any natural body to accept nourishment except from something that is of the natures of which it is derived. Likewise, it is not possible for anyone to know something that does not have something similar to it at all. Do you not see that the soul does not accept from the mind except what it shares in it and conforms to it? And what it do

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Thus let it be exaltation and the denial of resemblance and resemblance. Whoever strays from the resemblance except through interpretation and carrying what is contained in the verses and narrations according to what preceded them to the understanding without consideration of what God Almighty requires of exaltation. This led them to pure ignorance and outright disbelief, even if they sought safety and abandoned the narrations. And the verses, as they came, without any deviation from them at all, and they entrust the knowledge of that to God Almighty and to His Messenger, and they say, “We do not know,” and it was sufficient for them to say that God Almighty, “There is nothing like Him,” so whenever a hadith comes to them in which there is an analogy, God has likened something, and He has denied the likeness from Himself, Glory be to Him. All that remains is that this narration has one of the aspects of exaltation that God Almighty knows, and it was brought to understand the Arab

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From that

The heart of the believer is between two of God’s fingers

The mind’s consideration of what the situation requires of truth and metaphor. A wound is impossible for God Almighty. The finger is a common term applied to a wound and a blessing. The shepherd said:

A weak stick with visible veins, you will see him *** on it if people point a finger

He says, “You will see him have it on it. ” A good effect of a blessing by looking at it well. The Arabs say, “How good is so-and-so’s finger on what he has,” that is, his effect on it, by which you want to grow what he has because of his good disposition of it. The quickest turning is what the fingers turn, due to their small size and perfect ability in them, so their movement is faster than the movement of the hand and other things, and since God’s turning of the hearts of His servants is quicker. Something that the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be u

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