The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Of blackness, redness, yellowness, and other things, some of them are a permanent color in the place, and some of them are a color in the eyes of the beholder, but they are not the same in color, such as the blackness of white mountains in the distance. If you come to them, you see them as white, and you judged them to be black, and you were wrong in that ruling, and it is correct in the appearance of blackness. It is a disaster, and the method of that is unknown. In this case, the blue of the sky is only for the eye to see, even if it is in itself a color that contradicts the blue.

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As for his being chosen from among the angels, the spirit, because it is the spirit that is breathed into him in every form, royal, astronomical, elemental, material, and natural, and by it is the life of things, and he is the spirit added to him, and he is the soul of the Most Merciful, from whom life and life are bliss, and bliss is enjoyed by him, and pleasure is according to the mood, as we said about the mood of the submissive, he enjoys what he is in and is tormented by it. The one who is freed, understand, and it is enough for you to alert the Lawgiver if you understand that Hell has people who are its people, and Paradise has people who are its people, and it was mentioned about the people of Hell that they neither die in it nor live, so they seek bliss in Hell due to the presence of cold, and this is from the rule of temper .

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As for his choice of Al-Buraq among the boats, because he is a boat on the scales, he combined the quadrupeds with the winged ones, so he is upper and lower, like some terrestrial and marine animals .

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As for his choice of the supplication on the Day of Arafah, it is a supplication in a state of abstraction, humility, and submission in a place of knowledge of the day in time because it combines night and day

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As for his choice of “Say, He is God, One,” because it is specific to Him, there is no mention of any of the universes except the oneness of each one. It does not resemble the oneness of God Almighty in particular, and its occurrence in this surah is a strange knowledge for the one whom God opened it to, for he opened the surah with his oneness and concluded it with the oneness of the creatures. So know that the beings Linked to it is the connection of the other to the first, not the connection of the first to the last, for the other seeks the first and the first does not seek the other, for He is self-sufficient in need of the worlds, and the other seeks from the name of God, which is attributed to singularity. Thus, I have alerted you to the source of this knowledge that this surah contains in the late singularity, which, despite its connection to the first, is not identical with it. Because she seeks it and he does not seek it. You are the ones who are in need of God, and God i

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As for his choice of verses, Ayat Al-Kursi, the verses are signs, and nothing is more indicative of a thing than himself, and this Ayat Al-Kursi is all of its names or descriptions, and that is not found in other verses. So he indicated himself by himself, God, there is no god but Him, so he denied and affirmed with a third person pronoun. A present noun that has an unseen noun. The living. A conditional attribute in the existence of what it has of the names. Sustaining over everything else because of what He has earned. For He gave everything His creation. Neither year nor sleep takes over. An attribute of being free from what contradicts the preservation of the world, which without its subsistence would not remain a single moment. God is the conscience. It belongs to him, and he is an unseen conscience. What is in the heavens and what is on the earth belongs to him and is a servant appointed for protection for the continuation of the rule by divinity. Who is the one who can inte

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As for his choosing Yasin from the Qur’an, it is because it is the heart of the Qur’an, and whoever reads it is like one who has read the Qur’an ten times, and the heart is the most honorable thing in the clear form. Likewise, Surah al-Siniya is the revealed one, and it has among the zodiac signs the house of honor of the sun, which is the initial sign, the time of spring, the arrival of emergence, the appearance of the beginning, and the beginning of the adornment of the world. Nature and softening the vapors of the breath that were condensed in the winter time due to the cold weather. He used to congeal the vapors coming out of the breathers. When they came out, he condensed them and then returned them, which is what you find in your hands if you breathe in it in the winter time of dew, and it has divine powers in which He remains in every breath, His Majesty.

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