The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

So, he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, had the greatest glory except it. He taught him the knowledge of the first and the last, and among the first, Adam knew the names. Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was given the sum of words, and the words of God are inexhaustible. He has dominion that will not be far away over the people on the Day of Resurrection, so he will intercede for intercessors, so that they may intercede from a king. A Messenger, a Prophet, a saint, and a believer, and he will have the praiseworthy station on the witnessed day.

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As for his choosing Maryam and Asiyah, it is to attach them to the perfection that men have, despite the presence of the degree that men have over them, for that degree is existential and will not disappear .

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As for his choosing the Sidra, it is because it is the place where the deeds of the servants end and the place of virtue, and with its shadow the forms of deeds are shaded, and God has covered it with lights as He has covered it. However, those lights are the lights of deeds, so no one can call them, and those lights, as we said, are the lights of deeds, emerge from their forms and cover them, so no one can describe them. The adjective for things is restriction and distinction, and actions differ and have ranks, and their lights are in proportion to their levels: active, highest, luminous, and lightest. The adjective high contradicts the highest, and the adjective luminous is opposite to lightest in terms of what is brightest, so it is not restricted to an adjective, because if you restrict it to an adjective, its opposite will be invalidated for you, so you have not fulfilled its right in the adjective, since you do not fulfill its right in the adjective. The lights of deeds are

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As for his choosing Al-Bayt Al-Ma’mur, it is because it is designated for the inhabitation of angels who are created every day from the drops of water of the River of Life that fall from the uprising of the faithful spirit. He dips into the River of Life every day for the sake of creating these angels, the people of Al-Bayt Al-Ma’mur, and they are seventy thousand angels who, if they leave it, will never return to it. The secret remained in the place that these angels inhabited, and then there was an emptiness, and the whole world had filled the emptiness, so search for it, for it is a great knowledge that will make you aware of the transformation of things into other things and the fluctuation of creation in phases, so you will know that God has power over all things, not over what is not anything. Nothing does not accept objectivity, since if it accepted it, its reality would not be nothing, and no known thing would depart from its reality. So nothing is condemned to be nothing

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As for his choice of the Black Stone, it is because he sent it down to make it the place of his right hand in the divine pledge of allegiance, since there was nothing in knowledge and worship greater than what was known and what was worshiped with it, for it was created by knowledge and pure worship, which the reality of plants and animals is incapable of, and for this reason there is nothing of it in man. In one sentence, everything in man accepts growth, and it is for plants, just as animals have the ability to act in different directions. Whenever an entity differs from the mineral, the form of the claim becomes confused with its reality. It is a hidden conflict that not every scholar feels. Some of this has been pointed out by Sahl, and what is in the matter is what it is, so I do not know whether He knew and was satisfied with what he mentioned, or what God showed him at that time, more than what he mentioned, and God knows best, so God chose him as the right hand.

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As for the human choice of the heart, it is the one that expands it, because every day is in a matter, and today is the destiny of the breath of the individual breathing in time, and by it it is called a heart because of its turning. You do not see it between the two fingers of the Most Merciful, for only the Most Merciful turns it. No other names with it enter into it, and the name the Most Merciful is not given except what... In His reality, His mercy encompasses all things. There is no matter that you see in its fluctuation that leads to trouble, torment, and misery except that there is hidden mercy in it, because with the fingers of the Most Merciful, He turns it, and if He wishes, He establishes it, and if He wishes, He moves it away from that residence, it is an additional tendency, so the heart tends to mercy by virtue of the authority of this name that turns it. In deviance, just as He changed it in staying, it is good news from God to His servants. So, O My servants who h

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As for his choosing from the combined universes, it gives separation by distinction in the eyes of the plural, for there must be a Lord and the Mastered, and one who is capable and powerful, so the plural is chosen and necessary because of the connection given to it by the truths of the divine names .

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As for his choice of whiteness among the colors, it is because all the colored things transform into it and it does not transform into it, but rather its whiteness is hidden within it, hidden by the veil of color that appears in the eye

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