The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He who fears concealment is the one who *** knows that concealment is from himself

If a day comes upon him, he will see *** crying over what he missed yesterday.

If the curtain was raised in the courtyard *** before it was lifted In his palm

He will have attained what the men of His *** have attained, their concern for the two gardens of His holiness

And the face of truth appeared in their secrets *** at a time in his full moon and in his sun

He does not see any preference in what he sees ** * With his mind of that or his sense

Just as the mind fears its mind *** so the sense fears its sense

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Know, may God help us and you, that God Almighty said, “No, they will be veiled from their Lord that Day.” And he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “Indeed, God has seventy veils of light and darkness. If He had revealed them, the glory of His face would have burned whatever His sight of His creation has perceived.

So look at how gentle it is. These veils and what He concealed them, for He said, “And We are closer to Him than our jugular vein,” despite the presence of these veils that prevent us from seeing Him in this great proximity. And we do not see these veils with an eye, for they are also veiled from us. And God Almighty said, “And We are closer to Him than you are, but you do not see.” Yes, O our Lord, we do not see you, nor do we see the veils. We are behind the veil of veil, and you are from us in the place of a vein or closer to us than we are, and this closeness is the reason for not seeing us. Being attached to you, a person does not see himself

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And the wonder that broke the back and baffled the mind is your saying and your teaching that God sees in your saying a rebuke and a warning. Did he not know that God sees and your saying that He is with you wherever you are? Then you said that if you lifted the veil between us and you because you are described with the glorifications of the face, what your sight perceives with the glorifications would be burned away. By your face and by the light, the appearance of the world is correct, which is its existence, so how can creation be deprived of its reality? Here is the confusion. Then, in the two matters, you have brought yourself under the rule of definition, and this is denied by what you have placed in us of the rational power that sees through the intellectual quality. We only have sense and reason. By sense is what we perceive, and by reason is what we perceive. The limit has occurred. You are behind the veil, then you are limited, and if you are closer to us than the veil,

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The minds have passed, and only the minds addressed and erected their evidence. It is nothing but your temptation. You tested your servants with evidence, and there is no evidence that reaches you. The evidence is fabricated to indicate a Creator and does not indicate the reality of its Creator. So what we have seen after probing and dividing, and what the ancient speech gave, is that you are the eye of the veil, and that is why you veiled the veil, so we do not see it even though it is light and darkness, which is what you called it for us. From the apparent and the hidden, and You have commanded us to fear God. If God has not appointed the veil upon it, the light is from the apparent name and the dark is from the hidden name. Otherwise, we are polytheists, and it is proven that we are monotheists, so prove that you are the eye of the veil.

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We did not veil from you except through you, and you did not veil from us except with your appearance, except that you do not know because we ask you by your name just as we request the king by his name and attribute, and if he is with us, he does not appear with that name or that attribute, but rather a self-appearance, then he speaks to us and we speak to him and he witnesses us and we witness him and he knows us and we do not know him, and this is stronger. Evidence that His attributes are negative and not probative, since if they were probative they would not have revealed Him if He appeared by Himself. We do not know that He is except by defining Him. In knowledge, we are imitating Him. And if His attributes were probative, they would have been the same as His essence, and we would have known Him by the same thing as we see Him. This was not the case, so it indicates the opposite of what He believes . p>

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